Foods For Back Pain Relief
September 10th, 2013 Posted in pain relief
Keeping to a diet plan for reducing weight is important for preventing back issues. Foods for back pain relief include those that are not artificially colored and do not have any preservatives. Although no single diet plan can be effective for all – avoiding fat, red meat, trans fats, and insisting on lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruits can help in reducing weight. Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for reducing back ache. It is better to avoid vegetables from the nightshade group. Instead, opt for Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil to help in reducing inflammation. This video outlines food that can help with pain in the lower back. From Dr. Andrew Kirschner at Foods Read more…
Hollywog WiTouch For Relief From Pain
September 1st, 2013 Posted in Products
The science of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation technology has been applied to design the first wireless remote controlled device responsible for reducing back pain according to this article. Wearing this device under your clothes, and turning it on whenever you feel pain can result in arresting the pain instantly. The FDA has approved Hollywog WiTouch for relief from pain. It is soon to be marketed widely across America. This device blocks the pain by transmitting electrical waves to stimulate the nerves. Hollywog WiTouch For Relief From Pain Leaders with Chattanooga-based business Hollywog got approval to market two pain management products that they manufacture at their Amnicola Highway location. “If you have back pain, you’re able to wear this device just very discreetly under your clothes,” Read more…