Hollywog WiTouch For Relief From Pain
September 1st, 2013 Posted in Products
The science of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation technology has been applied to design the first wireless remote controlled device responsible for reducing back pain according to this article. Wearing this device under your clothes, and turning it on whenever you feel pain can result in arresting the pain instantly. The FDA has approved Hollywog WiTouch for relief from pain. It is soon to be marketed widely across America. This device blocks the pain by transmitting electrical waves to stimulate the nerves. Hollywog WiTouch For Relief From Pain Leaders with Chattanooga-based business Hollywog got approval to market two pain management products that they manufacture at their Amnicola Highway location. “If you have back pain, you’re able to wear this device just very discreetly under your clothes,” Read more…
Back Pain Relief Products
September 26th, 2012 Posted in Products
There are various back pain relief products that are available online nowadays. You should make an informed choice and purchase a product that suits the type of pain you suffer from and your own individual needs. First of all, there are many books available on this topic that may be helpful to you. They are helpful mainly because they make you more knowledgeable about back pain as a whole. So after reading them, you should know how you can keep away the pain and what precautionary measures you should be taking to keep fit and healthy. There are inversion tables that are available to relieve the pain. This product actually helps to release the pressure in your back caused by the squeezing of discs. This Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief Products
September 12th, 2012 Posted in Products
Back pain can be very depressing and may affect every area of your life, including your work, your social life and your personal life. When pain appears regularly, you may feel a tingling in your muscles, or a numbness, when this pain occurs take it seriously and do not ignore it as it may develop into something acute and chronic. Many lower back pain relief products are available on the market that can help you get relief. The first product to look at is the back brace. This brace is soft and flexible so that you can bend it and wear it around your body underneath your clothes. The back brace supports your back muscles so that they can relax. This way the stress is taken Read more…
Back Pain Relief Machine
September 9th, 2012 Posted in Products
Back pain is mostly caused by the malfunction of muscles in the spine. These muscles have either become weak or are not coordinated anymore. This can also happen due to the weakening of these muscles after a surgery. The healing method will require that these muscles are strengthened and coordinated up to a certain point so that the pain does not reappear. The most popular machine which provides back pain relief is an inversion table. An inversion table is a piece of equipment which turns the patient upside down. This provides pain relief by using gravity to realign the muscles and joints in the back. People with health problems should seek medical advice before using the table. Watch as back pain expert Jesse Cannone talks about Read more…
Inversion Table For Back Pain
July 26th, 2012 Posted in Products
Inversion tables are popular devices used for remedying back pain. The important question to ask is – does it work? Keeping in mind that it is prudent to take a cautious approach to these devices we shall explore the pros and cons of this method. The inversion table for back pain is a device that allows the sufferer to be inverted or lie in an upside down position. Using straps and buckles, the subject is tied up so he or she may not fall off. They have been around since the time of Hippocrates, who is credited with inventing one. How does it help? According to experts it takes the pressure off your discs and creates space between the vertebrae and helps reduce pain by causing the spine Read more…
Back Pain Relief Using Spinal Strengthening Machine
July 16th, 2012 Posted in Products
While about two-thirds of American adults are prone to back pain at sometime during their life, some may not even feel the symptoms while others may experience acute pain that is associated with a numbness and tingling sensation in the back and legs. Some methods of treatment for back pain relief using spinal strengthening machine have been found to be successful while some have not produced the expected results. The Government has been spending huge amounts of money annually without any positive result. One eminent consultant spinal surgeon suggests that before taking a decision to go for surgery, proof needs to be shown that every other treatment had failed to provide any relief to the patient. It is not possible to assess the impact of different therapies, including Read more…
The Best Mattress For Back Pain Relief
July 10th, 2012 Posted in Products
While choosing a mattress, it is very important to learn whether the mattress will evenly distribute the body weight and relax the pressure points of your body while you are asleep. You will also need to know whether your body remains in alignment while you sleep on the mattress. The misalignment of your body may also be due to incorrect sleeping positions. In the end, you should invest in a good medium-firm mattress to help your back. The mattress should be flipped over occasionally to ensure that there is an even distribution of the wear of the mattress. If you ignore purchasing a good mattress to sleep on, then be ready to invest in increased medical expenses because in a few months you will get neck and back pain. Read more…
Helpful Back Pain Relief Products And Methods
June 4th, 2012 Posted in Products
In addition to regular exercises and medication, some back pain relief products have come of immense use to those suffering from minor or acute back pain. Here we shall discuss some useful products, which help in relieving back pain to a considerable extent. • Inversion therapy is a unique method of stretching the spinal cord to get relief from back pain. The inversion machines, which include the inversion table, are an innovative tool for back pain relief. This table is used to hold the legs tightly while allowing the body to hang with the spine stretched by the body’s weight. The stretching may be done at different angles with the inversion table being adjusted to various degrees of rotation. The larger the degree of slanting, the more the Read more…
6 Inexpensive Back Pain Relief Products
May 9th, 2012 Posted in Products
Most Osteopaths treating patients suffering from back pain have little faith in the products marketed for relieving back pain. This is due to the absence of scientific research, which leaves doubt about their efficacy. The basic things that you should do when feeling pain in your back is to rest from what you are doing, and then move your back slightly to prevent stiffness. Painkillers are also advised, but in the case of back pain that persists for more than three days, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Most doctors have recommended the following as the most effective treatment of back pain. It has been proven that a TENS machine is a high-tech gadget which passes electricity to the back that prevents the spinal nerves from Read more…