Natural Back Pain Relief
February 25th, 2013 Posted in Natural relief
Billions of dollars are spent trying to make synthetic drugs to ease pain; however, many pain relief solutions could be found in nature. There are some natural ingredients, which are effective for natural back pain relief, among which include Willow bark. Willow bark contains Salicylic Acid. It causes significant improvement in pain relief. Curcumin, an antioxidant and a component of Turmeric, can, if taken regularly, help to relieve back pain and could even kill cancer according to the article below. The seaweed supplement, Aquamin, reduces joint pain, while Glucosamine Sulphate is effective for osteoarthritis. Acetyl L Carnitine can ease nerve pain caused by diabetes, and Alpha Lipoic Acid helps slow down the progression of nerve injury. For substantial relief from knee pain and osteoarthritis, Bromelain has been Read more…
Pain Relief Secrets
January 25th, 2013 Posted in Natural relief
The following article describes 15 things to keep handy as pain relief secrets. Many commonly found products, including essential oils, plant extracts, berries, fruit, herbs, and spices can be very useful for relieving aches and pains, and improving symptoms in sufferers. From Aloe Vera to Cinnamon powder, Ginger, and Hawthorn Berry, you will be surprised at the wealth of health benefits that can be achieved from these products. You can have pain relief; help with fungal and bacterial infections; improved blood flow; reduced inflammatory pain; help with heart complaints; and reduced cholesterol from these types of natural products. Other creams and ointments have healing effects, too. Pillows and other devices can also help to relief back, neck, and shoulder pains. Pain Relief Secrets If you thought neck Read more…
Relief Without Surgery
January 19th, 2013 Posted in Natural relief
Home remedies, adequate rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and hot and cold treatment can be effective for relief without surgery. If back pain persists after following the methods as described in this article, then it is advisable to consult a physician, especially those at spine clinics who are specialized in non-surgical treatments. Home remedies, physical therapies, exercises, and muscle relaxants can be useful for back pain relief. In cases of chronic back pain, Cortisone injections can bring relief, while X-Rays and MRIs can detect the nature of spinal injury. There can be a limited outcome after surgery, and the time taken to recover may be quite long. Keeping to a traditional treatment is a better alternative for back pain relief. Relief Without Surgery Fortunately, with home treatment Read more…
Cupping Therapy For Back Pain Relief
October 8th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
This article looks at an ancient Chinese therapy for chronic back pain, arthritis and migraines to provide relief. Although cupping therapy for back pain relief is little known, those having undergone this treatment have found relief from back pain and other related problems. Celebrities who have had the cupping therapy have expressed satisfaction in finding relief. This procedure involves burning the air inside the cup, which creates pressure that sucks the blood to the surface of the skin to restore the normal flow of blood. The cupping method of treatment is a combination of electrical stimulation together with acupuncture. Patients having undergone brain surgery and unable to withstand the after effects have found cupping a formidable method of treatment. Cupping Therapy For Back Pain Relief If you’re Read more…
Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief
September 23rd, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Among the methods that can cure lower back pain, yoga is thought by some as the best solution as it involves no drugs and no surgery. There are different types of exercise that can cure back pain like aerobics, etc but it has been found that a yoga regime is the best forms of exercise to relieve people from lower back pain. Yoga sometimes involves customizing the poses to the condition of the patient. The strength of your bones is improved by regular yoga. However, along with the body, yoga also helps to relax the mind. This way, the patient can often be healed quicker than any other method of treatment. When pain becomes chronic, it often leads to the mind also suffering. Yoga takes care Read more…
Natural Back Pain Relief
September 4th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
The second most common ailment in the USA which is related to neurology is back pain and it is one of the most common ailments in the world. The traditional treatment of such a disease used to be bed rest. Long-term medicines and surgery were also used in order to treat it. However, in recent times, there are many natural back pain relief methods that have been developed, which are now practiced to get some comfort from the pain. Medicines prescribed by doctors often have side effects which can be unhealthy for your body. These natural remedies are very effective in understanding the root cause of the disease unlike other chemical medicines that only give relief temporarily. Moreover natural remedies tend not to have any side effects. Read more…
Heal N Soothe Free Trial
August 17th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Ninety percent of people will suffer from the common ailment of back pain. It is one of the most common reasons for absences from work and the number of absentees from work is increasing day by day because of it. However, there are also many kinds of treatments available for treating this disease. With so many products available, you need to make sure that you choose the treatment that is most effective for you. Some give a temporary relief for your pain and some last longer. When you have back pain that is chronic, you understand that you are almost ruled by your pain and your life is controlled by it. Due to this, you may become depressed, both physically and mentally. Even psychological suffering can delay your Read more…
Natural Painkillers For Back Pain Relief
July 27th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Those suffering from back pain normally depend upon drugs for getting relief, but those anti-inflammatory, non-steroid painkillers can cause damage instead of assisting the healing process by accelerating the degeneration of the lumbar discs. Strong painkillers and steroid injections have all been found to be potential threats to healing the body in the long run. Alternative treatments in the form of natural painkillers for back pain relief are the best at providing relief for back pain without having any side effects. Although a drug, Aspirin does less harm, and it reduces the pain quickly. It is a product from the bark of the White Willow, which can be taken to reduce the pain without causing any irritation to the stomach. It was found that during a trial that Read more…
Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief
June 9th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Every year it costs millions of dollars in the US on back pain relief for patients. Doctors and medical practitioners are continuously trying to find out quick and long-term relief for back pain. Recent studies have shown that yoga is something that if practised regularly not only cures your stress, it also cures back pain, and it prevents it from relapsing, too. There are certain yoga positions that need to be done regularly to keep you from suffering back pain. The stretches are very healthy for your back. They help keep all the muscles healthy and aligned. Yoga also corrects your posture, which results in relief from back pain. So yoga for lower back pain relief is a solution to reduce the number of patients suffering from back pain. Read more…
Natural Back Pain Relief Remedies
May 31st, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Natural methods for relief from back pain are the best, especially where the method serves its intended purpose. Here, some natural back pain relief procedures that you can get considerable relief from back and neck pain. • Exercises are the best way of natural treatment for back pain. There are many stretching exercises that strengthen the back and abdominal muscles while keeping the joints flexible. Going online or by consulting a physical instructor, regular exercises of the back and limbs will help in preventing as well as reducing back pain and neck pain. Treadmill exercises can have a bad effect on the back due to the cushioned surface, which will cause stress on the various leg joints. • Ergonomic furniture, inversion tables, lumbar tools, and your bed Read more…