Blood Injections For Back Pain Relief
A new cutting-edge technique that has been helping top athletes get relief from all sorts of chronic pain is Regenokine. It involves taking the sufferers own blood and re-injecting it at the site of the injury. The natural healing process is accelerated and many athletes including golfer Fred Couples are hailing it as successful. Couples has struggled with chronic back pain for years. Another successful blood injection technique is Platelet Rich Plasma (or PRP) therapy. Both are discussed below.
These autologous blood injections for back pain relief have shown wonderful success rates and now are about to move in to mainstream – however the FDA has not approved the Regenokine treatment as yet.
Here is the article from the ABC news site:
Blood Injections For Back Pain Relief: Regenokine
Regenokine’s key ingredient is the patient’s own blood. Wehling explained that he uses a machine to extract the body’s natural anti-inflammatory proteins called “InteRleukin 1-Receptor Antagonist” or “IL1-RA” proteins. Those proteins, which essentially block the inflammation receptors, are then re-injected into the injury site.Blood injections for back pain relief are popular with sportspeople and have shown high success rates
“The re-injecting [of proteins] causes a stop of inflammation,” Wehling said. “You have an improvement in function and a significant decrease in pain.”
Wehling said Regenokine injections are effective for two to four years, and sometimes longer.
McGrady had the treatment on his bad knee in the summer 2010, and about a week after the procedure, he said he could feel the difference.
“Not only did it feel stronger, less pain,” McGrady said. “Sure enough, it felt better…since the time I hurt my knee, it’s the best I’ve ever felt.”
McGrady said he played this season with the Atlanta Hawks pain-free, and he is just one of a number of pro athletes who have undergone the Regenokine treatment for various chronic pain ailments with success.
Golfer Fred Couples had the treatment after crippling back pain almost forced him to retire. Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez had it last December to treat a nagging knee and shoulder injury, and now the baseball star said he feels great.
More of article here
Here is the story that was aired on Nightline on the ABC network explaining in more detail about how Regenokine works:
And here is another video featuring Dr Peter Wehling in Dusseldorf , Germany about Regenokine and how golfer Fred Couples used it to heal his back pain.
How Is A Platelet Rich Plasma Injection (PRP) different from Regenokine?
A new frontier in the treatment of sports injuries is the growing science of “orthobiologics” or the science of injectables to promote healing through the use of the athlete’s own biological tissues. Many professional athletes across all sports are using this type of treatment. Although platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy has been around and in use for decades, it has recently gained popularity in the United States for the treatment of sports injuries – specifically the treatment of chronic tendon pathologies.
PRP Preparation
One of the greatest benefits to this treatment is that the injured athlete uses his/her own blood for the procedures. This eliminates all kinds of potential problems including disease transmission and tissue rejection.
Blood is drawn from the patient (about 30-60ml) and then centrifuged for approximately 15 minutes. The blood is then separated into platelet poor plasma (PPP), RBC, and PRP. The platelet-poor plasma is then extracted and discarded. After one more shaking procedure, the platelet rich plasma is withdrawn.
Injection Procedure
The procedure is done on an outpatient basis. To be able to find the exact location of the injury site, a dynamic musculoskeletal ultrasound is used. The ultrasound provides a picture of the deep tissues within the body.
Here is a video outlining what a Platelet Rich Plasma Injection (PRP) is all about. It is a DIFFERENT blood injection treatment to Regenokine, as blood serum high in platelet rich plasma is created from the patients own blood and re-injected at the site of injury. It has also had successful results.
And here is a video demonstrating the PRP procedure. If you don’t like needles it won’t be pretty!
The case studies of the sportsmen above looks incredibly positive. it may sound a bit strange taking your own blood and injecting at the site of your injury but whatever works to get you through the day and help your recovery is worth looking at and trying.
As more people undertake this revolutionary treatment of blood injections for back pain relief there will be more data and possible side effect information available. Watch this space for further news and developments on this exciting new option for treating not only back pain, but many other sporting type injuries.
Get more info on the latest treatments for back pain from our free book available on this website – the 7 Day Back Pain Cure.
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Tags: autologous blood injections, blood injections for back pain, Blood Injections For Back Pain Relief, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, regenokine, Regenokine for Back Pain Relief