Interventional Pain Management For Back Pain Relief
When all traditional methods, such as physical therapy, medication, or chiropractic manipulation fails to produce any results, there is another non-invasive or minimally invasive technique for diagnosing and treating pain to eliminate pain at its source. Diagnosis is the most important factor for the treatment of back pain, and interventional pain management for back pain relief is an advanced method for resolving the pain when other conventional methods have failed. Inflammation of facet joints is the cause of back pain, and interventional methods such as facet block, injecting local anesthetic steroid medication may be effective, Long-term relief can be obtained through radio frequency ablation. The use of a discogram has been effective for diagnosing the source of pain as discussed in this article.
Interventional Pain Management For Back Pain Relief
The goals of interventional pain management are to relieve, reduce, or manage pain and improve a patient's overall quality of life.
Sadly, many of the 75 million Americans with pain end up relying on treatments that mask their pain rather than resolve it. When traditional treatment methods such as medication, physical therapy or chiropractic manipulation fail, what is the next step?
Interventional pain management is a subspecialty of medicine utilizing state-of-the-art, noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques to diagnose, treat and eliminate pain at its source. I have dedicated my career to these advanced pain management treatments to help those in pain.
The most important step is accurate diagnosis. Then, if deemed appropriate, an interventional pain management treatment plan will reduce or resolve pain where other treatments have failed.
Pain in the back or neck may come from one or more structures in the spine, necessitating a combination of interventional treatment methods. Arthritis of the spine, or pain from inflamed facet joints, can be diagnosed or therapeutically treated with a facet block. This procedure involves injecting local anesthetic and, in some cases, steroid medication into the joint, reducing inflammation and pain. If successful, longer-lasting relief can be achieved through a radio frequency ablation or rhizotomy procedure that uses heat to interrupt pain signals
A discogram is a diagnostic tool to determine whether pain is originating from a disc within the spine. Damaged discs may cause pinched nerves in the spine, resulting in back pain or concurrent leg, thigh or buttock pain.
In many cases, effective treatment is achieved with epidural steroid injections, sacroiliac injections or piriformis injections. These use the same methodology of injecting numbing medications and anti-inflammatory agents into the part of the spine from which the pain is originating. These procedures cause little discomfort to the patient, and the resulting elimination of pain is priceless.
When other measures, including pain medications, fail, a spinal cord stimulator is a state-of-the-art, surgically implanted device used to reduce or relieve pain. Low-level electric currents are given off to block pain signals from being sent to the spinal cord and brain. The spinal cord stimulator can help many patients regain lost comfort and quality of life.
Interventional pain management techniques also can be used to treat pain conditions originating from other structures, such as joint arthritis, many forms of bursitis, frozen shoulders, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, plantar fasciitis, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndromes, trigger fingers, trigger points and various sports-related injuries.
These procedures cause little discomfort to patients with priceless elimination of pain. Complications are rare when performed by a skilled and experienced interventional pain management specialist under fluoroscopic (portable X-ray machine) or ultrasound guidance. The most important advantage of interventional pain management techniques is that minimal medication needs to be injected and is targeted to the painful structure(s), eliminating the need for oral pain medication.
Interventional pain management for back pain relief is recommended for treating a wide range of joint problems around the body whether caused by wear and tear as we age or from injuries sustained in sports or accidental damage. The advantage of this technique is that less medication is needed, and it is relatively straightforward. The treatment involves little discomfort. When other conventional methods fail to produce the desired result, interventional techniques can help immensely in the proper treatment of back pain, especially when under interventional pain management specialist. Nowadays, it is no surprise that a little gadget can provide the answer to pain relief.
Arizona Pain Specialists Dr. Paul Lynch & Dr. McJunkin explain what Interventional Pain Management is and how someone experiencing any sort of pain can benefit from advance treatments.
Another video about Interventional Pain Management for back pain relief from chiropractor Dr. William Cowan.
Find more methods of back pain relief and treatment from the 7 day back pain cure – available for free below.
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Tags: Interventional Pain Management For Back Pain Relief, Prevention