Ozone Disc Therapy
A new form of treatment for backaches and disc problems is the Ozone Disc Therapy. Also known as Ozone Discolysis, this method of treatment involves injecting a mixture of Ozone and Oxygen into the herniated disc to allow dehydration of the nucleus of the disc. In addition to the analgesic effect, Ozone has an antioxidant scavenger system, which is regulated to act as an anti-inflammatory response. This method is suggested for both prolapsed and intervertebral discs according to this article. The procedure is painless and involves injecting a thin needle into the affected disc located by the image intensifier, after applying local anaesthesia. An antibiotic mixed with dye is instilled in the nucleus of the disc to complete the treatment, which takes about five minutes while the patient remains conscious.
Ozone Disc Therapy
Ozone therapy is a new treatment for low back pain
In what could bring cheer to hundreds of patient suffering from backaches, disc problems, the Regional Spinal Injuries Centre (RSIC), Sector 70, Mohali, has started ozone therapy for such patients.
In fact, RSIC is the only centre after New Delhi to provide this facility in this region at a public sector institute.
The therapy known as ozone discolysis, is a procedure where injection of mixture of O3 and O2 (ozone and oxygen) is injected into the disc which results in dehydration of the nucleus of the disc.
Ozone has analgesic effect. In addition to this, antioxidant scavenger system is also regulated which acts as anti-inflammatory response. Ozone has been shown to produce a significantly better effect than corticosteroids and there is no complication of this technique.
Dr Deepak Thapa, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, who underwent his training for pain relief at Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, has started this technique at RSIC, where significant number of patients with disc diseases are being attended. Earlier, patients with disc herniation having pain in leg were offered injections of corticosteroids which were usually not given if the patient was diabetic.
This procedure can be used in both contained and protruded, i.e. prolapsed, intervertebral disc. This procedure is primarily meant for disc prolapse with prominent pain in the leg but can also be used for pain in the back because of the disc degeneration, says RSIC project director Professor Raj Bahadur.
This procedure has opened a new vista for a patient with back pain in this region. The procedure of discolysis is essentially a painless procedure where under X-ray (image intensifier), the operator after giving local anaesthesia in the lower back puts a very thin needle in the disc which is diseased.
After this, 2 to 3 mg of Cefazolin (antibiotic) mixed with Omnipaque (dye) is instilled in the substance of nucleus of the disc which can be very clearly seen in the X-ray because of the dye with the antibiotic. After confirming the position of the needle and this dye, 4 ml of ozone is injected. The total procedure takes not more than five minutes and the patient remains conscious during the procedure.
While the lack of Ozone in certain parts of the atmosphere damages the planet, it can help you with your back pain. Ozone Disc Therapy is a new concept introduced for the treatment of back pain. This involves injecting a mixture of Oxygen and Ozone into the nucleus of the affected spinal disc along with antibiotic and dye, which takes a few minutes. Due to the analgesic effect and regulating the antioxidant scavenger system, Ozone helps in acting as an anti-inflammatory response. This method of treatment is aimed at recovery of a prolapsed disc.
Dr. Robert Rowen, MD Describes Benefits Of Ozone Therapy to help his patients heal and experience optimal health.
Preview clip from the upcoming documentary by Dr. Gary Null. Ozone – The next therapy.
Acupuncture & injection therapy for lower back pain by Dr Shlomi Gavish AP of BacktoMind.com
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Tags: Ozone Disc Therapy, Treatment