Stay Active For Lower Back Relief
Disability evaluation combined with counseling can produce remarkable results when related to convalescing from back-related problems. The ultimate advice is to stay active for lower back relief. Those who have received counseling together with a disability evaluation were found to recuperate more quickly than those under evaluation alone did. Counseling involves making those with lower back problems aware of avoiding bed rest and staying active while carrying out normal activities.
Staying inactive may result in taking an abnormal time for recovery from back issues as discussed in this article. Normal activities can lead to early recovery from injury. Medical practitioners have reassured patients that the pain will subside in due course through daily activities.
Stay Active For Lower Back Relief
Many people get some relief from pain and sciatica by staying active
The researchers Marc Du Bois, MD, and Peter Donceel, PhD, from the KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven in Belgium, stated: “Combined counseling and disability evaluation by a medical advisor results in a higher return to work rate due to a lower sick leave recurrence as compared to disability evaluation alone.”
The team recruited 506 workers, mainly blue-collar workers, who were on medical leave due to lower back pain, and all of whom were routinely evaluated by a medical advisor as part of the Belgian national health and disability insurance plan.
The team randomly split the workers into two groups. One group received the standard disability evaluation only, whilst the other workers also received information and counseling for lower back pain according to the best medical practices currently available. These included avoiding bed rest and staying active, and continuing with normal daily activities as much as possible coupled with reassurance that the pain was likely to subside with time. Workers with more serious conditions like sciatica were not included in the study.
The findings revealed that those in the counseling group had a higher chance of eventually coming off disability and return to work, with only 4% of workers who did not return after one year compared with 8% of those who only received the standard disability evaluation. This difference was mainly due to less repeated episodes of medical leave amongst those in the counseling group (38%) compared with 60% in the evaluation-only group. The team observed no considerable difference in the total amount of sick days or in the percentage of those who ultimately required surgery (10 to 12%).
Nonspecific low back pain, i.e. back pain that is not caused by any specific abnormality is very common and also a very costly medical condition, and although the condition is usually “self-limiting” and improves over time, many patients suffer from prolonged periods of pain that lead to numerous treatments and prolonged disability. In Belgium alone, lower back pain is responsible for one-fourth of all workers on lifetime disability.
Recovery can be delayed and even hindered through long absences from work and being sedentary, with psychosocial factors also playing a role in the risk that the pain becomes a chronic problem. According to earlier research, offering reassurance of the pain improving and advising workers to remain as active as possible has demonstrated to decrease time off work.
Medical counseling along with a disability evaluation can be the most effective way of treatment for lower back pain. A recent study on workers absent from work due to lower back pain and undergoing counseling have revealed that those with a disability evaluation combined with medical counseling recover quicker than those without. Probably like me, this is because you feel you are able to discuss more about your recuperation and feel better talking about your ailment rather than being left to get on with it. Counseling is related to education on how to remain active instead of being sedentary. If you have lower back pain and take frequent intervals off work, then the best way is to stay active for lower back relief.
Back pain can be a tough thing to tolerate. If you’ve already been to the doctor, but can’t seem to get your pain under control, here are some things you can do to help. By Greg Collins – Pharmacist with CVS Caremark Health Resources.
In order to reduce your risk of developing insidious low back pain, it is important to stay active and do functional exercises that involve all muscles. This video explains it all and includes sample functional exercises to improve muscle coordination. By Dr. Dan Perez of The Pain and Injury Doctor.
There are effective ways for you to relieve acute lower back pain and help with your recovery. Stay Active. Be positive. Control the pain. This video is by NPS Medicine Wise.
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