Yoga For Pain
Taking to Yoga for pain will work wonders in relieving your lower back pain in the most inexpensive way. Those who have participated in a 12-week program have found to miss fewer days off work while incurring less medical expenses as compared to those who did not participate. Yoga encourages the endeavor of self-management of pain in the lower back while spending less on medication. Taking to Yoga along with standard medical care enables a person to recuperate more quickly than those undergoing medical care only. This results in pain relief at a much lower medical cost. Yoga exercises have proved beneficial to prevent or arrest pain at a comparatively low cost as detailed in this article.
Yoga For Pain
Yoga poses to relieve chronic pain in the back, and can also be done by itself as a stand-alone exercise for pain relief
People with chronic pain may want to try taking to the yoga mat to relieve their symptoms, a small new study suggests.
Researchers from the University of York in the United Kingdom found that back pain sufferers who participated in a group yoga program for 12 weeks had fewer medical costs and fewer missed days from work, compared with people who didn’t participate in the yoga program.
“We welcome the fact that not only has yoga been found to help people manage their back pain, but that it is also cost effective, and results in fewer sick days,” Alan Silman, medical director of Arthritis Research UK, which funded the study, said in a statement. “It is another option for people who are struggling to manage their condition, and one that encourages the move to self-management.”
The Spine journal study included more than 300 people who experienced recurring back pain; half of them were assigned to the 12-week yoga program and also received standard medical care, while the other half only received standard medical care for their pain. (Standard medical care could mean anything from seeing a physiotherapist, to receiving prescription painkillers.)
The researchers found that each person was able to participate in the yoga intervention at a cost of less than 300 pounds ($472 in U.S. dollars). And people who participated in the yoga program also took fewer sick days from work than people who only received the standard care.
Yoga has been shown in past studies to aid in back pain relief. Researchers found that yoga classes or stretching classes helped people with chronic low back pain to manage their pain, compared with just using a “self-care” book, according to a 2011 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Who would have thought that stretching and bending would be good for a bad back? Studies indicate that those who had opted for Yoga for pain have benefited both in terms of period of convalescence and cost of medication.
Yoga Stretches for Low Back Pain & Sciatica Relief by Jen Hilman, qualified Yoga Instructor.
If you’re experiencing lower back pain try these simple moves with Adi Amar of Yoga Today to bring strength and integrity to your spine and core.
This video is from Ervin Ruhe Jr – Yoga Teacher and Pilate of Watch him demonstrate some easy to do lower back exercises.
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Tags: Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief, yoga for pain