Financial Stress Thwarts Back Pain Relief


Money might not buy happiness but it can sure help your bad back!  A new study has shown that financial stress thwarts back pain relief, and it makes sense if you get stressed out about money, your whole body is affected. Stress is one of the biggest silent killers out there, and money is usually the main reason for anxiety and stress in our lives.


Here is more information on the report


Financial Stress Thwarts Back Pain Relief 

Financial Stress Thwarts Back Pain Relief

Financial Stress Thwarts Back Pain Relief

Worrying about money can increase risks of several significant health problems – such as heart attack, ulcers, migraines, back pain etc. – a new study has suggested.


While it is not surprising that the main source of stress for most people is money, this new research has found just what people can expect from their worries.


In a comparison of people who had a high level of stress over debt and those who did not, it was found that people with high stress levels were twice as likely to have a heart attack compared with those who did not worry about their financial situation.


The poll, conducted by the Associated Press and AOL, also found that 27 percent of people with high stress over finances reported ulcers or digestive problems versus 8 percent of people who did not worry about finances.


Further 44 percent of people financially stressed reported having migraines versus 4 percent of people with low financial stress. And 23 percent of people with financial stress were depressed, compared with 4 percent of people who were not stressed. Highly stressed people were also 65 percent more likely to suffer from back pain and muscle tensions than those with low stress. The good news is there is an easy way to avoid health problems associated with worrying about finances.


Additional research has shown that people who take an active role in planning and learning about their finances were less stressed and more confident in their financial situations.


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It makes sense that financial stress thwarts back pain relief. Any type of stress can lead to back pain, as the posture of the body gets worse, and your lifestyle habits become unhealthy as anxiety takes over your body.


Be sure to exercise regularly and avoid any stressful situation, money or otherwise, if you are prone to back injury. As the article says, heart conditions are also related, so be smart and live a balanced life and remember – its only money!


For more information check out the free book we offer on this site for ways to avoid stress and help fix your back pain.




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