Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy used for medical purposes and it is relatively new as a stream in the modern medical field and yet to gain credibility in the field of treating back pain.
Acupuncture in its original form was never meant for treating pain but ironically it has gained popularity with people looking for alternate methods to eradicate pain without the use of medicine.
Acupuncture for back pain relief is recommended by many people who have used it for pain like pain in the neck, back and arthritis. Most people assume that alternate methods of therapy that don’t involve taking medicine or having surgery is relatively safer and its potential to do harm would be more negligible than regular medical treatments. It is also seen as a less expensive alternative to modern medicine and treatments.
Acupuncture is a therapy that is spread over many weeks and only then can it be gauged for its effectiveness. Acupuncture is based on the theory that energy flows through meridians and this energy is known as “chi” – and whenever there is a blockage in the flow of this energy it manifests itself in the form of pains or illness.
Acupuncture involves insertion of fine needles on the skin along these channels of energy flows and unblocks these pathways to remove imbalances. The acupuncturist interviews the patient and learns about the history of back pain and then develops the points to be manipulated on the skin along these energy pathways to remove pain. Once the needles are placed on the points of pain the acupuncturist rolls them mildly or at times uses mild heat or electrical stimuli over a duration ranging from 15 minutes to 60 minutes.
The treatment could stretch over a period of time based on the acupuncturists assessment of the time required to promote the energy flow. Acupuncture has proven to be effective in relief of back pain which is not chronic and various studies show that it decreases pain and increases mobility and enhances overall activity. It is however based on an individual’s level of pain and his optimism with regards to the therapy.
In this video presentation Dr. Fred Lewin demonstrates acupuncture or IMS for back pain to his patients in Westminster a suburb of Denver Co.
This video is from Dr Daniel William Talley from American Chiropractic and Acupuncture demonstrating acupuncture to relieve low back pain. He shows how coupled with a chiropractic adjustment it can provide relief 2/3 faster then traditional manipulation alone.
For more detailed information on the benefits of acupuncture for back pain relief please sign up below to receive your free copy of our back pain book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure.
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Tags: acupuncture, Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief, Acupuncture therapy, acupuncture treatmeant, pain relief, Treatment