Acupuncture Cures 67 Years Of Pain
The debilitating pain of a degenerated spine makes a person have many sleepless nights and often requires heavy doses of painkillers to alleviate the inflammation. Acupuncture has been found to be an effective alternative treatment. This article explains that acupuncture cures 67 years of pain, in which a war veteran almost surrendered to loss of quality life. Now he is able to lead a normal life at the age of 85, being able to leave behind the memories of his traumatic days.
Acupuncture Cures 67 Years Of Pain
Find out how acupuncture works, who should avoid it and what conditions it can treat.
A WWII veteran who has suffered chronic soreness since he was caught in an explosion has finally been cured of the suffering after he gave in to his wife’s nagging – and had acupuncture.
Bernard Martin, 85, had been forced to take 19 painkillers a day to ease the agony of the injuries which have stayed with him for most of his life.
The father-of-one was caught in two lethal blasts in Malaysia and Germany in 1945, suffering spinal damage and contracting malaria and leptospirosis, while serving with British forces.
While his injuries healed he was left with lingering pain in his back and headaches which have frustrated him for the rest of his life.
He refused to go to an acupuncturist for two years despite his wife Gloria, 79, constantly claiming it had helped her osteoporosis.
But he eventually gave in and has made such an incredible improvement medics have taken him off all his medication.
Mr Martin said his pain is now ‘virtually non existent’ and said he is overjoyed to be able to lift his right leg for the first time in 67 years.
The retired home furnishings store manager said: ‘After the war I tried to put the experience behind me and get on with the rest of my life. I just felt lucky to be alive.
‘But my injuries were bad and I have suffered severe pain over the years. The pain would stop me from sleeping and I would wake up in the middle of the night in agony.
‘I used to be on so many painkillers a day, 19, and I would rattle.
‘Now I take none, my GP is happy for me to stop the painkillers and the pain is virtually non-existent.
‘I was a very sceptical man before I had acupuncture – I would never have opted for an ‘alternative’ treatment.
‘My wife kept telling me to try it out for about two years. In the end she booked me an appointment and told me I had to go.
‘It’s been amazing. I feel like I’ve finally got my life back. I am 85 but I do not feel it. It is brilliant to be able to spend time doing my hobbies and help my wife out with the chores.
The news that acupuncture cures 67 years of pain means that we should be more optimistic about this method of alternative treatment for chronic back pain. While being a pincushion does not appeal to most of us, there have been innumerable instances that have proved that acupuncture can improve the quality of life of a person suffering from chronic back pain provided there is timely intervention. This therapy can do wonders, as is the case of the 85 years old war veteran who is now able to lead a normal life.
From the “Mind/Body Medicine Show”, this segment gives an overview and demonstration of acupuncture. From
Specialist Acupuncturist Sasha Robertshaw explains the use of acupuncture in the treatment of back pain.
This video is a demonstration of a patient receiving acupuncture or IMS for back pain by Dr. Fred Lewin.
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