Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening
Gardening requires bending often, and this action is why your back can be strained, especially due to these movements of bending forward and twisting. So, if gardening is your favorite activity, and you do not want to stop it, then here are some back pain relief tips for gardening to keep your back relaxed and prevent yourself from getting back pain.
Activities such as raking, hoeing, trimming, weed whacking, mowing, digging, and shoveling are all part of gardening. Each activity can harm your back if done without care or thought as to how back pain prevention can be implemented.
Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening
Lower back pain can be caused during gardening activity. However, there are precautions that can help you avoid back pain.
Some easy techniques will do wonders for your spine when you perform the following warm-weather tasks.
1. Raking and hoeing. What makes raking and hoeing potentially harmful is both actions make the body work in a one-sided way. When people rake, they predominantly use one arm, and tend to fold in one side of their body. Both chores put more strain on one arm and hand.
Try to engage both sides of your body when performing the motion. Although it may feel awkward at first, switching sides every few minutes when you rake and hoe will help prevent favoring one side of your body. This will also keep you from over-developing one side of your body.
Don’t reaching out with your hoe or rake – as though you were throwing out a fishing pole into a lake – because such stretches may cause more stress on your lower back muscles and set off other problems. Instead, walk to the exact spot on your plot of land that will allow you to perform shorter strokes with your tools.
Finally, if you have a lot of square footage to work on, take a break every 20 minutes by resting and taking in liquids, or even switching to another type of activity.
2. Digging and shoveling. Whether you’re digging a hole or shoveling compost into a wheelbarrow, the key to avoiding back injury is to perform the work slowly and not overload the shovel or wheelbarrow.
Wear heavy-duty boots so you can step down hard onto the shovel, which lets your body weight do much of the work. Bend your knees when lifting the shovel so you’re not in a bent-over position, which may strain your back. This stance will allow those big muscles in your legs and buttocks do the heavy lifting.
If your tasks do include shoveling an especially heavy load, such as gravel or soil, picture the shovel as a seesaw and use your thigh as a fulcrum. Place the handle of the shovel onto your thigh about three quarters of the way down, and then push down on the handle into the pile, and flip into the wheelbarrow or bucket. The handle should remain in contact with your thigh the whole time.
3. Mowing. If hiring a lawn service is not an option, or your kids can’t be talked into helping out, the next best thing is using a riding mower. Make sure the model you choose has a comfortable sitting area – using a boat cushion as a substitute often does the trick – because too much bouncing on a bad seat can wreck your back. Mowing slowly will do a better job on the lawn, typically by helping diminish any unevenness in the terrain.
If a push mower is all that’s available, opt for one that’s self-propelled, which reduces strain going up hills and around curves. But whether your mower is motorized or not, limit back-and-forth yanking. Push it – an action better for your back – rather than pull it and, as with the hoe and rake, stay close to your tool to avoid overreaching.
4. Trimming and weed whacking. Because of their inherently poor designs, trimmers and weed whackers make users hold these tools in front of their bodies. Weight that’s positioned in front of you is typically 10 to 15 times heavier than the weight of the object itself, which makes pushing either of these tools an ordeal.
Leaning forward – which creates 200 pounds of additional pressure per square inch on the discs of your spine – only compounds the problem. Because of this type of liability, use the shoulder strap that may come with the trimmer, and find ways to eliminate the need for trimming altogether. Strategic ornamentation, like stone walls or flower gardens, and mulching may allow you to get rid of your trimmer for good.
5. Loosening up prior to performing backyard projects. Before beginning any big outdoor project, be it stacking firewood or moving patio furniture or grilling equipment out of the garage, take a few minutes to physically prepare. Loosen up by stretching to warm up your muscles. You’ll be caring for your gardens, pool and outdoor equipment over the next several months. Your back deserves the same level of care.
It is a good idea to start practicing preventive measures today, even if you do not have back pain yet. If the preventative measures are not taken in time, then back pain is bound to become a problem for you. So, it is better to follow back pain relief tips for gardening before you end up suffering from back pain.
Videos On Back Pain Prevention While Gardening
Maureen Blackburn, a physical therapist and spine specialist at St. Anthony’s Medical Center, St. Louis, offers tips for preventing back injury while doing common gardening activities.
Most people don’t realize that back pain can be avoided by simply adjusting the way gardening tools are used. This video will help break down some of the basics of using a rake and a hoe without injuring yourself.
For more information on preventing injury to your back, grab a free copy of The 7 Day Back Pain Cure from Jesse Cannone. It is available on our website by signing up easily in the sign up form below.
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Tags: back pain from gardening, Back Pain Relief And Prevention Tips For Gardening, Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening, gardening and lower back pain, Lower Back Pain, pain relief