Back Pain Relief Using Spinal Strengthening Machine
While about two-thirds of American adults are prone to back pain at sometime during their life, some may not even feel the symptoms while others may experience acute pain that is associated with a numbness and tingling sensation in the back and legs. Some methods of treatment for back pain relief using spinal strengthening machine have been found to be successful while some have not produced the expected results. The Government has been spending huge amounts of money annually without any positive result.
One eminent consultant spinal surgeon suggests that before taking a decision to go for surgery, proof needs to be shown that every other treatment had failed to provide any relief to the patient. It is not possible to assess the impact of different therapies, including physiotherapy, and we cannot arrive at a general formula for the treatment of back pain. A renowned spinal surgeon has invented a unique method of treatment.
The treatment uses a spinal strengthening machine built with the latest technology, which has been developed in Finland. This machine is aimed to strengthen the core muscles of the back to provide relief from back pain. This machine has been tested in many clinics, and it has been found to be effective for treatment of herniated and degenerative discs and neck and back problems.
Back Pain Relief Using Spinal Strengthening Machine
BACK pain costs the UK £13billion a year. But this spinal surgeon believes he has found an innovative alternative to the operating table…
Often described as a “Cinderella” condition, there is little that is romantic about a dose of back pain. It’s extremely common, debilitating and while other more “fashionable” illnesses benefit from high-profile research and funding, it niggles away costing time and money.
There are many treatments – some work, some don’t – and if they fail patients may resort to surgery.
“Back and neck pain costs this country £13billion every year,” says consultant spinal surgeon Colin Natali. “Despite the fact two-thirds of the adult population will have had time off work because of back pain successive governments seem oblivious to its impact.”
As a surgeon considering a patient for operation, he has to be certain everything else has failed. For most patients there is no way to assess the results of the therapies they have tried or measure how bad their condition is.
“Physiotherapy is variable in type, how often it is given and when,” he says.
“I wanted to find a system that delivered and produced a consistent success rate before I suggested surgery.” He did some research and settled on a spinal strengthening machine-based technology from Finland that is currently used in 120 clinics in 23 countries and set up a clinic near London’s Tower Bridge.
The clinic called back2normal treats spine and neck problems from disc degeneration and sciatica to major trauma resulting from sports injuries and car crashes.
Patients are referred by their consultant, GP or through self-referral and undergo an initial assessment followed by a six to eight-week programme of twice-weekly exercise sessions designed to strengthen their core muscles and support the load going through the spine. The machines protect the patient while training the muscles, supervised by specialist physiotherapists.
Exercises are tailored to each patient’s condition depending on their pain, range of movement and how easily their muscles tire. Costs are similar to physiotherapy and the results are documented so progress can be assessed.
Patients who have tried other therapies are sometimes cynical but the treatment offered by back2normal boasts success rates of 90 per cent. The system changes their mindset, they see they can get better and it works for Mr Natali by reducing the number of patients requiring surgery.
“At the end of the exercise programme I can assess patients more accurately. In many cases they are sent home with a programme of exercises which will maintain the progress made.
“In a few we need to consider different treatments such as surgery or drugs,” he says. “I want patients to say to me they are either better or they are convinced they have tried their best before deciding to have an operation.”
The weight-based machines look a little like gym machines. They lock the patient in place to make sure the correct muscles are treated. The exercises are set well within the patient’s capability and are then gently increased to intensively exercise each part of the spine without upsetting other areas of the body.
It is hard to believe such tiny movements can make a difference but more than 100,000 back and 30,000 neck patients have been successfully treated. Mr Natali believes it works for three reasons.
The first is that the exercises are formulated to keep patients out of their pain range. As a result, they relax and exercise. Second it trains in small steps. The third reason is psychological. The equipment looks like a gym so patients do not feel ill.
Exercises for back pain relief using a spinal strengthening machine such as the one mentioned in the article above is worth a try. Interesting to note that they claim to have a 90% success rate. Below are some videos on other similar back pain relief options.
Here is an interesting video presentation on a different type of machine – a spinal decompression machine provided by Spinemed decompression therapy.
And here is an informative video from the guys at Diesel Crew – Innovative strength training for elite athletes. They stress the importance of using the correct technique when doing any back strengthening exercise regime. This is more for advanced weight training to strengthen your back – probably not the best exercises to try if you have already injured your back – but interesting to listen to their ideas.
Find more wonderful information on back pain by reading the book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure. Its 250 pages are choc full of back pain relief secrets, and it is available on our website below by signing up. Grab your copy now!
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Tags: Back Pain Relief Using Spinal Strengthening Machine, pain relief, spinal strengthening, Treatment