Oxycontin And Back Pain
March 11th, 2013 Posted in Medication
Oxycontin is a narcotic painkiller recommended for pain, which has been found to have mixed results. Although many have been benefitted by using this drug in relieving long-term back issues, some had fallen prey to it by inhibiting addiction resulting in death because of overdose. Oxycontin and back pain are correlated in both beneficial and harmful ways. While it may help in reducing chronic back soreness substantially, the addiction part of it may have a killer effect. Many instances have been found where people have become seriously addicted to Oxycontin have ultimately become physically impaired and had to rely on the help of others for every movement of their body. Oxycontin And Back Pain Driving home from a hunting trip in 2008, Johnny Sullivan called his Read more…
Meningitis From Back Pain Injections
December 6th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Contamination has been found in vials containing steroid injections manufactured by a compounding pharmacy and has resulted in the outbreak of meningitis causing death and widespread sickness. Meningitis from back pain injections have made the FDA consider creating new regulations to scrutinize compounding pharmacies while manufacturing drugs. Methylprednisolone acetate is the drug found in the vials of the back pain injections, which has been linked with causing Meningitis. A recent article published in the Seattle Times stated that 14,000 people are at risk of contacting Meningitis after having been given steroid injections. There is a concerted effort to bring in legislation to oversee compounding pharmacies that have been exempted from FDA supervision to date. Understand exactly what meningitis is with helpful information from Doctor Steven Beutler from Read more…
Drugs Not Giving Back Pain Relief For War Veterans
October 15th, 2012 Posted in Medication
War veterans suffering from a herniated disc have found little relief in taking drugs, and there have been cases when a returning veteran has had to go as far as taking heroin to overcome the pain caused by a degenerated spinal disc. It is evident that drugs are not giving back pain relief for war veterans from studying the cases where drugs have failed to provide any relief to back pain. A new method of treatment for back pain is being followed by a group of pain management front liners through injecting local anesthetics into nerves localized to the pain. There have been instances when extensive doses of narcotics have failed to provide any results in curing back pain. However, a process of heating the needle and injecting Read more…
Back Pain Relief Medicine
September 27th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Over-the-counter back pain relief medicine is widely available. However, these medicines are not very effective in providing back pain relief in the long term. That is why a doctor may prescribe a patient with combined over-the-counter and prescribed medication. This way, the patient may get relief more quickly and the effects of the medicine may last longer than only administering over-the-counter medicines. A patient should check with their doctor before taking any kind of medicine for back pain relief. When oral over-the-counter medicines are taken, they will decrease the stiffness of the muscles in the back and may reduce the swelling if there is any, and reduce any inflammation causing the back pain. Some of these medicines are Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen, these are all Read more…
Back Pain Relief Pills
September 24th, 2012 Posted in Medication
There are various over-the-counter medicines for relieving back pain temporarily. Attention should be paid to how the patient is coping with the pain to make sure that they recover as soon as possible. If the back pain persists for a long period of time, whether it is acute or chronic, it may result in the patient suffering from depression. As the pain prevents the patient from being able to get a good night’s sleep, the situation may become too bad for them to bear. They may become unable to continue with their daily life and with exercises that kept them healthy before. This is why back pain should be combatted before it leads to such problems. The most common over-the-counter pain relieving pills are Tylenol, Acetaminophen Read more…
Methadone For Back Pain Relief?
August 1st, 2012 Posted in Medication
It is an alarming situation where doctors are prescribing Methadone as a pain killing drug for treatment of pain, resulting in nearly one third of the deaths due to administering painkilling drugs. If the question is asked whether Methadone for back pain relief is risky, it can be unanimously suggested that it can turn into a killer instead of a pain killer. The reasons forwarded by doctors define that Methadone has little to do in relieving acute pain as it is involved in extended release of opioids. The benefits of Methadone have not been established and are suggested not to be prescribed for mild or acute pain according to this news report. Methadone For Back Pain Relief? Nearly a third of the deaths caused by prescription painkillers Read more…
Painkillers For Back Pain Relief Being Overused
July 9th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Lobby groups, health bodies, and doctors have observed that painkillers for back pain relief being overused is a huge problem for people with back pain. All of them have recommended stringent measures to control the use of painkillers. Physicians have been found to prescribe over the recommended dosage of painkillers, especially those widely known as opioids, which are strong medicines and have not been analysed for their long-term effect. General observations show that these type of painkillers are being used randomly on prescriptions from physicians. Even renowned clinics have been found to use the harmful painkillers, and their misuse may sometimes be fatal. Medical professionals have long been concerned about the risks involved in the use of painkillers, such as Oxycontin, especially when they are being overused. Potential Read more…
Most Commonly Used Back Pain Relief Medication
May 29th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Back pain may sometimes be devastating, especially for those who are suffering from chronic degenerated disc disease. Although there are many form of back pain relief, back pain medication has been proved to be very effective. Here are five of the most common medications for back pain relief. • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the primary choice for back pain relief. Naproxen and Motrin are considered to be very useful during the initial stages of the condition. Celebrex, Voltaren, Mobic, and Relafen are some useful drugs belonging to the NSAID group. Tylenol is also a common painkiller available across the counter. • Muscle relaxants have proved to be effective for back pain relief. This is one of the best forms of back pain medication, which reduces the pain Read more…
Back Pain Relief Drug Overdose Kills Man
April 27th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Like they always say, too much of something is bad and sometimes bad enough that it can be fatal. But can you blame those who are in very intense pain when all they can count on are pain-killers for back pain relief? Pain can be very excruciating especially for those with serious back problems because not only does it affect the neck or the hips for example but it can actually affect total body mobility. Worse, it is so painful it makes you want to die. As a matter of fact there has been an incident where a back pain relief drug overdose kills a man. It is unfortunate and perhaps you can only imagine how much pain he went through that he had to overdose on pain-killers. Read more…
Etanercept For Back Pain Relief
April 20th, 2012 Posted in Medication
As much as possible, each of us would want to live a comfortable and happy life but pain is inevitable. It can be emotional or psychological but more often than not, we experience physical pain. One of the common physical pains one experiences is back pain and back pain relief is often sought by people who have back problems. Studies and research are continuously done to find the best back pain treatment. These studies of course are done to look at different options as to how we can best deal with the pain that back injuries or problems cause. There have been recent studies and developments and one of the options researchers may look into is etanercept for back pain relief. Read on to learn more about Read more…