Keep Moving For The Best Back Pain Remedy
May 22nd, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
A survey conducted by 2,600 people on the “Move Forward” for lower back pain has revealed that most Americans suffer back pain at some point in their lives. Physical therapists comment that most of them do not realize how to keep them fit and keep moving for the best back pain remedy. Astounding facts were found during the survey. About 39% of the adults surveyed have expressed that their daily activities have been affected due to back pain while 38% have got better results with exercise, and 37% recovered through sleep. Those who work for long hours in a sitting posture are affected by back pain, which accounts for more than 54%. The facts also reveal that compared to 31% of men being affected by back pain, only Read more…
Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief
April 30th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
People between the mid-thirties and mid-forties often complain of back pain, and they will often mention their suffering due to back pain. However, unless it is seriously disabling, most back pain goes away with correct and timely treatment. Yoga is an age old cure to back pain. Yoga helps to keep the body healthy. Some of the common causes of mild back pain are caused by straining your back excessively, like sportsmen, or inactivity of the back muscles that means the back is not being exercised, like people in front of a computer all day, every day. The damage of tissues or muscles of the spine is yet another cause of serious back pain. If these are not treated, and the pain goes without treatment, it can make Read more…
Regenokine for Back Pain Relief
April 23rd, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Regenokine is a new treatment to relieve back pain, osteoarthritis, pain in joints, and sometimes stiff muscles and tissues. This is a kind of therapy that needs no surgery. The science of this treatment is that it makes use of the body’s healing power and components that are naturally produced by the body to get rid of the pain. This treatment also corrects all the problems affecting your mobility due to back pain. Regenokine is a treatment that lessens the inflammation occurring in the joints that makes normal everyday tasks difficult and life for sufferers miserable. That is why Regenokine for back pain relief is a solution that patients suffering from back pain can opt for. As another new option to try instead of surgery, it is Read more…
The Pain Whisperer Tom Chi Can Help With Back Pain Relief
April 11th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
You have heard of the horse whisperer now get a load of the idea that the pain whisperer Tom Chi can help with back pain relief. In this recent news story he discusses how Jeremy Lin (Basketball star with New York Knicks) has a 6 week injury to his knee, and how he thinks that his own method of esoteric Kung Fu Ninja treatment would work much better than the surgery that Lin is Booked in to have. The “Pain Whisperer” claims to have carried out over 80,000 treatments and cured many people from severe injuries. The obvious questions are: 1/ Does this really work? and 2/ Can this work for my back injury? Lets take a look what it’s all about: The Pain Read more…