Dry Needling For Lower Back Inflammation
This article explains a new method of treatment for spinal inflammation having a similar approach to acupuncture except the needles are inserted along the nerve pathways, which are well defined in order to get relief from specific muscular pains. Dry needling for lower back inflammation evolves from the theory that it is not the nerves that are responsible for pain, but the muscles and the structure of the body, which are responsible for transmitting pain. It has been observed that combination of dry-needling and laser treatment can help reduce back ache.
Trigger point dry needling. Chiropractor Dr. Steven Horwitz demonstrates dry needling technique in this video.
Dry Needling For Lower Back Inflammation
Dry needling for the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome in the lower back is discussed in this article.
SOMETIMES relief can come from unexpected places.
My first encounter with Dr. Chan Gunn’s approach to the treatment of pain came when I saw David Ingram – of Centa Tax Services fame – interviewed on community television about intramuscular stimulation treatments he’d received for his lower-back and leg pain.
Ingram had undergone the therapy at the Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain (iSTOP), a nonprofit organization founded by Gunn in 1994 whose clinical mission is to “foster the education of physicians, physiotherapists, nurses and other healthcare professionals in the early diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue disorders.”
Intrigued, I heard Ingram explain what is best described in lay terms as a cousin of acupuncture called dry-needling.
Unlike that traditional form of Chinese therapy, the needles used for IMS are applied along well-defined nerve pathways in order to relieve specific muscular pain caused by what we call “pinched nerves” and a variety of other physical problems.
Common among those conditions are carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and other causes of lower-back pain.
As Gunn told me last Friday, “It is not the nerves themselves that are sick; the pain they transmit is meant to alert us to something that is wrong elsewhere – often in the muscles or the structure of the body.
“With a combination of laser treatment and the needling, we are able to treat those conditions and the nerve no longer needs to transmit their painful messages.”
It has been established that back pain is due to the damage to the specific muscles that send pain signals through the nerves, which is called “pinched nerves”. It is important to diagnose those muscles, which are responsible for back pain and the nerve pathways to which they are aligned. Through dry needling for lower back inflammation, many have found significant relief, especially when combined with laser therapy. Although having needles stuck in you along with blasts from a laser sounds painful, this method of treatment shows no side effects and practitioners can assist in its application.
Trigger point dry needling is a treatment technique to assist with treatment and recovery of musculoskeletal injuries within all age groups. This video KORT Physical Therapy.
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Tags: Dry Needling For Lower Back Inflammation, Treatment