Foods For Back Pain Relief
Keeping to a diet plan for reducing weight is important for preventing back issues. Foods for back pain relief include those that are not artificially colored and do not have any preservatives. Although no single diet plan can be effective for all – avoiding fat, red meat, trans fats, and insisting on lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruits can help in reducing weight. Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for reducing back ache. It is better to avoid vegetables from the nightshade group. Instead, opt for Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil to help in reducing inflammation.
This video outlines food that can help with pain in the lower back. From Dr. Andrew Kirschner at
Foods For Back Pain Relief
You can find some food that can keep your weight in a healthy range and your back healthy in this article.
Changing how you eat, drink, and exercise can be hard but the results are always very rewarding. All the changes you make to reduce your pain by losing weight will help every part of your life. This includes your ability to think clearly, your memory and your moods. Eating to reduce pain can also help you avoid illnesses of all kinds, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Avoiding foods with artificial colourings, preservatives, and other chemical pollution allows your body to put its energy towards healing. There is no single diet that will work well for everyone who needs to lose weight. Food choices should be made to allow for your personal preferences. Try to limit foods that are high in fat. Get plenty of lean protein. Increase your intake of vegetables and fresh fruit. Drink plenty of clear liquids. The most important thing to remember about a nutritious diet, whether you are trying to lose weight or just eat foods that are better for you, is that a balanced diet is necessary for you to get all of the nutrients that your body needs. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are all necessary for your body to use, and completely cutting out any of these groups can cause health problems in the long term. Instead of cutting out these groups, instead try to consume the healthiest versions of these nutrients. For example, trans fats are bad for your health, so they should be avoided, but vegetable oils such as olive oil contain polyunsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy.
There is also some evidence that certain foods may improve inflammation and pain, while other foods may make inflammation and pain worse. The evidence for these claims is often not conclusive, but in some cases scientific studies have been done and there does seem to be a correlation. Decreasing the amount of red meat in your diet and increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables seems to help with chronic pain. There are some claims that vegetables from the nightshade family, such as potatoes, peppers and tomatoes, contain compounds that can worsen inflammation, but whether these chemicals are prevalent enough to have a significant effect on pain level is unproven. Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil appear to have an anti-inflammatory effect that is good for chronic pain caused by arthritis. It is recommended that the consumption of ‘junk foods’ be decreased or avoided, due to the high sugar and fat content of these high-caloric foods. It is often recommended that a person with chronic pain try to eliminate potential trigger foods from their diet one at a time to see if eliminating these foods has a positive effect on pain levels.
The following is a list of foods that can help to ease pain:
Cherries: Taking two tablespoons of the concentrated juice need to be taken daily for effective results. Sweet cherries have also been found to be effective.
Blackberries, Raspberries. Blueberries and Strawberries: have anti-pain compound try taking a cupful of any of the berries three times a day and wait for the result.
Celery and Celery Seeds: Research studies reveal that there are more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds in celery and celery seeds, including a substance that has a powerful anti-inflammatory action. Add celery seeds to soups, stews or as a salt substitute in many recipes.
Ginger: Ginger reduces pain-causing prostaglandin levels in the body and has been widely used in India to treat pain and inflammation. Try taking a spoon of ginger in lemon water 3 times a day.
Turmeric: Turmeric is the yellow spice commonly used in Indian curries. It has shown to be a more effective anti-inflammatory than steroid medications when dealing with acute inflammation.
Salmon, Mackerel and Herring: Many fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and herring also contain these valuable oils. Omega-3s convert in the body into hormone-like substances that decrease inflammation and pain. Fish oil acts directly on the immune system by suppressing 40 to 55 percent of the release of compounds known to destroy joints. Many other studies also demonstrate that eating moderate amounts of fish or taking fish oil reduces pain and inflammation, particularly for arthritis sufferers.
Flax Seeds and Flax Oil: Freshly-ground flax seeds and cold-pressed flax oil, contain plentiful amounts of fatty acids known as Omega-3s. Do not cook with flax oil otherwise it will have the opposite effect-irritating the body’s tissues and causing pain.
Raw Walnuts and Walnut Oil: Raw walnuts and walnut oil also contain the same powerful Omega-3 fatty acids that fight pain and inflammation in the body.
In preparing a list of foods that ease back injury and are helpful in losing weight and preventing inflammation of the muscles responsible for back pain, the following are advised: cherries, celery seeds, ginger, turmeric, salmon, mackerel, merring and walnuts. These are some of the most common foods for back pain relief. Trying to make a meal with some of those ingredients could be fun. While some are helpful for weight loss, others are responsible for reducing inflammation.
Sports Physiotherapist Kusal Goonewardena of Back Pain Physio is an expert in treating back injuries. In this video he unveils the 4th secret to curing back pain; food and water.
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Tags: Foods For Back Pain Relief, pain relief