iFuse Surgery For Pain Relief
The second most common area where back problems exists is the SI joint or the joint at the spine and pelvis. A new technology has been developed for implanting titanium plates at the SI joint, which relieves back pain through minimization of micro-motion. Known as iFuse surgery for pain relief, it involves a MIS procedure where a small incision is made at the Sacroiliac joint, and with the help of a guide pin, which is a Titanium plate used to fuse the joints.
iFuse Surgery For Pain Relief
The iFuse System is intended for sacroiliac joint fusion. The SI joint is a significant cause of low back pain
The sacroiliac joint (or SI joint for short) is the second most common area where people experience back pain. Many people mistakenly refer to it as their “hip”, but the SI joint is part of the spine. The joints form the connection between the spine and the pelvis. The pain forms if the Sacroiliac joint is rotated or tilted out of place causing the back to become less stable. This can lead to pain higher up in the back due to compensation. (Source:acatoday.org)
CAUSES: As with most other joints in the body, the SI joints have a cartilage layer covering the bone. The cartilage allows for some movement and acts as a shock absorber between the bones. When this cartilage is damaged or worn away, the bones begin to rub on each other, and degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) occurs. This is the most common cause of SI joint dysfunction. Another common cause of SI joint dysfunction is pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormones are released in the woman’s body that allows ligaments to relax. This prepares the body for childbirth. Relaxation of the ligaments holding the SI joints together allows for increased motion in the joints and can lead to increased stresses and abnormal wear. The additional weight and walking pattern associated with pregnancy also places additional stress on the SI joints. Really, any condition that alters the normal walking pattern places increased stress on the SI joints. (Source: http://www.medicinenet.com)
TREATMENT: Surgery for SI dysfunction involves a fusion of the SI joints. In this invasive surgery, the cartilage covering the surfaces of the SI joints is removed and the bones are held together with plates and screws until they grow together (fuse). This eliminates all motion at the SI joints and typically relieves the pain. The recovery time for this type of surgery is generally around 6 months. (Source: http://www.medicinenet.com)
NEW TECHNOLOGY: Dr. Neel Anand, Director of Spine Trauma at Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles is breaking ground on a new surgery to ease back pain. The procedure is called iFuse. This MIS procedure requires a smaller incision and uses a guide pin to place the titanium implants across the sacroiliac joint. These small implants are designed to fix the sacroiliac (SI) joint and allow stable healing through minimization of micromotion.
In cases of back pain, it is observed that the Sacroiliac joint, which is the point of fusion of the spine and pelvis, is the second most affected region. This is caused by damage of the cartilage covering the joint causing friction between the bones. It does not sound too nice, but it is common. Pregnancy can also be a cause of back pain at this joint because hormones released within the body during pregnancy causes relaxation of the ligaments holding the bones, and ultimately cause stress and abnormal wear. Walking pattern is also related to pain because of the additional weight the spine has to bear. Treatment for this SI dysfunction is invasive surgery where the SI joints are replaced by fusing the bones. A new technology has been developed known as iFuse surgery for pain relief, where a small incision is made at the Sacroiliac joint and Titanium is implanted at the SI joint with the help of a guide pin.
Dr. Steven Garfin, MD of SI-BONE Inc and iFuse Implant System discusses the prevalence of SI joint disorders, diagnosis, and treatment options.
In this video we will present an overview of SI Joint diagnostic techniques, using a multidisciplinary approach by Dr. Steven Garfin, MD of SI-BONE Inc and iFuse Implant System.
Another video from Dr. Steven Garfin, MD of SI-BONE Inc and iFuse Implant System. Sacroiliac joint fusion for conditions including sacroiliac joint disruptions and degenerative sacroiliitis.
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