Tips For Neck And Back Pain Relief At Work


The main source of back pain starts from the neck and back, and the leading cause is body posture, especially when working at a desk. It depends upon how long you sit, and how you tend to move your body posture during long hours of work. Slouching is one of the main factors, which stiffens the shoulder muscles leading to back pain.
Following some tips for neck and back pain relief at work will help in preventing injury to the spinal cord, allowing you to escape back pain during your working life. The first thing is to ensure that the monitor is kept at a proper height so that you are not compelled to hunch your shoulders. Together with simple stretching and muscle strengthening exercises, you can prevent back pain. This article covers some of the points relating to back pain and deskwork.



Tips For Neck And Back Pain Relief At Work

As Mr Higgins is poised for the imminent patter of tiny feet, he asked me to pick up where he left off last week with our guide to tackling back pain.


One of the main places the pain originates from is the upper back/neck. And its leading cause is the desk, or, rather, how you sit at it and for how long. Generally, the longer you sit, the more you’ll slouch, causing your shoulders to roll forwards and chin to poke out. If you have to look down at your screen you will slouch sooner. Over time, this position will produce tightness in your upper shoulders and, eventually, neck pain.


Given how many people spend most of their day at a desk, and their evenings sofa-bound, it’s no wonder this is such a huge and common  problem.


Here’s a simple three-step solution to combat it:


1. Make sure your computer monitor is at the right height


If it’s not already, your monitor should be at eye level (a couple of phone books will often do the trick). This will keep your head up and your neck straighter.


2. Two simple stretches


a)  Sit upright in your chair and place both hands on your chin. Keep your head straight and eyes looking forward. Push your chin back into your neck then release. You should feel a light stretch at the back of your neck as it straightens. Perform five repetitions every two hours.


b) Stand facing a corner, with your arms up to 90 degrees and your forearms vertically against the wall. Lean your chest in to create a stretch in the front of your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times.


3. A quick strengthening exercise


You’ll need a metre of red Thera-Band (available from your local physio or sports store). Hang it over a door handle and take hold of either end, palms forwards. Stand facing the (shut) door. Elbows straight, gently squeeze the lower part of your shoulder blades together and pull backwards on the band. Repeat 10 times.


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If your job compels you to sit at a desk for long hours, you might become a victim of back pain due to improper sitting posture. Lack of stretching and muscle-strengthening exercises may also be factors influencing the bulging of the tissues of the spinal cord that resulting in back pain. For tips for neck and back pain relief at work, the best way to prevent back pain while sitting is to keep the monitor at the right level and following some exercises.  So, make sure your colleagues are not alarmed when you start exercising on your seat.



Steve Felsher of Physiotherapy North Sydney shows easy and effective exercises for neck pain and headache.




Chiropractor Dr Paula Moore demonstrates office exercises for fast stiff neck relief.


Find more detailed information of ways to fix your neck and back pain. Get your copy of The 7 Day Back Pain Cure below. It is close to 300 pages of practical advice on how to get your back stronger and help get rid of your pain.
The book is FREE while copies last – so act now.



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