XLIF Surgery Back Pain Treatment
An innovative technique in accessing the spine through the side of the patient’s body, known as XLIF surgery, is providing relief to patients who are more prone to the dangers of open back surgery. While conventional methods of spinal surgery involves risks associated with an anesthesia, loss of blood, hospitalization, and slow recovery process, XLIF surgery back pain treatment avoids damage to the thick and sensitive spinal muscles at the lower portion of the back.
Small incisions on the side of the patient during XLIF surgery helps regain posture within a day, and they might be discharged shortly afterwards. This process has brought about a revolution in the treatment of degenerative spinal disc, and it promises to be followed by many more in the future according to this article.
XLIF Surgery Back Pain Treatment
XLIF Surgery procedure does not require entry through the sensitive back muscles, bones or ligaments and many patients walk the same day after surgery.
Approximately eight in 10 Americans will experience an episode of back pain that will alter their lifestyle at some point in their lives. Many of these people will experience recurrent back pain afterward. Patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain often undergo large, invasive procedures to address their condition.
Until recently, spine surgery meant a large incision with extensive stripping of the muscles of the back. XLIF surgery is a new technique of accessing the spine through a patient’s side. This avoids damage to the thick, sensitive spinal muscle in the low back.
It provides relief to patients who cannot tolerate a larger, open back surgery because of the increased risks of longer anesthesia time, blood loss, hospitalization and recovery. It is also a less-invasive alternative for patients who have lived with back or leg pain through years of various failed treatments, including steroid injections, physical therapy and pain medication.
Recently introduced to Sussex County by spinal surgeon Dr. William Pfaff, eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion is available exclusively at Orthopaedic Associates of Southern Delaware. Pfaff has extensive training in XLIF surgery. “I think it’s important for all spine surgeons to have this surgical option and training to offer the patients in their communities, so when Nuvasive Inc. approached me to become a teacher for XLIF, I jumped at the chance.”
With only small incisions on the side, patients are normally up and walking within 12 hours of surgery and discharged home in one or two days. “XLIF has revolutionized how we treat patients with degenerative spinal conditions,“ Pfaff explains. “By using the computer and a specialized tube retractor, the disc is taken out and a spacer is placed between the patient’s spine bones. This restores the normal anatomy and corrects the patient’s deformity.”
Most patients are up out of bed the same day of surgery. By the next day, they are up walking with the physical therapist and are usually discharged to their home without needing to go to a rehab center or nursing home, which is common after traditional spinal surgery. “There is a very high complication rate with traditional, revision spine surgery with scoliosis. With XLIF surgery, we are able to minimize that rate and get the patients back home within a few days,” said Pfaff.
Read more of the article here.
This innovative process of spinal surgery through an incision from the side of the patient has brought about a revolution in the treatment of degenerative disc disease. Avoiding the dangers of blood loss, effects of anesthesia and long-term rehabilitation, in case of conventional methods of spinal surgery, XLIF surgery back pain treatment has been acclaimed to be successful with fewer side effects. This method is sure to go a long way in providing relief to those who have tried all other alternative treatment but have failed to recover. It brings a whole new meaning to splitting your sides.
The procedure in this video presented by Dr Fernando Vale, MD of Tampa General Hospital Florida, called XLIF® (eXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion), involves a lateral, or side, approach to spine surgery, rather than from the back or front. This approach provides direct access to the disc space, allowing for complete disc removal and implant insertion.
Orthopedic surgeon K. Brandon Strenge, M.D. at Western Baptist Hospital, explains how he was able to repair Stacey Hale’s degenerative discs through a small incision on the side of the body without harming muscles or anything else.
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