Alexander Technique
May 31st, 2013 Posted in Treatment
Improper posture is one of the causes of spinal soreness, and creating awareness of keeping the proper posture through the Alexander Technique has been effective according to this news article. With our sedentary style of living becoming more common, maintaining proper posture while sitting and standing becomes more critical. Every movement of the body can become difficult mostly because of ignoring the proper forms of posture. This method of treatment has been found to provide longer-term benefits to those suffering from recurring and chronic low back pain. The Alexander Technique is set to have far-reaching effects through correction of involuntary reflexes of the body. It is solely aimed at relieving the weight of the head which then causes soreness. Lessons on this technique teach us to reduce stress while Read more…
Acupuncture Cures 67 Years Of Pain
May 27th, 2013 Posted in Treatment
The debilitating pain of a degenerated spine makes a person have many sleepless nights and often requires heavy doses of painkillers to alleviate the inflammation. Acupuncture has been found to be an effective alternative treatment. This article explains that acupuncture cures 67 years of pain, in which a war veteran almost surrendered to loss of quality life. Now he is able to lead a normal life at the age of 85, being able to leave behind the memories of his traumatic days. Acupuncture Cures 67 Years Of Pain A WWII veteran who has suffered chronic soreness since he was caught in an explosion has finally been cured of the suffering after he gave in to his wife’s nagging – and had acupuncture. Bernard Martin, 85, had been Read more…
Abdominal Exercise For Back Pain Relief
May 24th, 2013 Posted in Exercises
People experiencing lower back pain can obtain reduced inflammation long-term through a transversusabdominis slide, which is an abdominal exercise for back pain relief. According to this article, research work has found that gradually increasing the baseline lateral slide from slight to a more increased slide can lead to effectively reducing spinal soreness. Studies determine the degree of slide required for rehabilitation through exercises. After recording the extent of deep muscle activity through application of B and M Mode ultrasound, by keeping the median baseline to 1.10 cm, it was observed that chances of improvement within a year was low. Chances for improvement of pain within a year increases for those who started with a small slide and gradually increased it. Abdominal Exercise For Back Pain Relief Read more…
Yoga Stretches To Strengthen Spinal Muscles
May 20th, 2013 Posted in Exercises
Among all the different physical therapies recommended for alleviation of spinal injury, yoga stretches to strengthen spinal muscles is one of the safest which has proven to be useful without having any side effects according to this article published in the Huffington post. To get the ultimate effect, practice some poses once in the morning and once in the evening. Different Yoga exercises recommended to reduce inflammation and soreness include the bridge pose for strengthening hip flexor muscles, lengthening your hamstrings, and rinsing your lower lumbar area with a supine spinal twist. All these poses are aimed at strengthening the core muscles of the spine and abdomen while making the calf muscles strong enough to carry the weight of the body. It is important to follow the instructions strictly Read more…
What Is Chronic Nerve Pain?
May 18th, 2013 Posted in Pain in the back
Pathological changes within the nerve are the ultimate answer to what is chronic nerve pain according to this article. Nerve fibers are totally damaged due to partial nerve injury, which causes chronic inflammation and tenderness. Diabetes and HIV can also be attributed towards death of the nerve fibers. A chronic nerve injury may be evoked by a stimulus causing intense burning and spontaneous soreness, which is unbearable and may sometimes be fatal. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can provide adequate relief for chronic inflammatory soreness. What Is Chronic Nerve Pain? Chronic nerve soreness results from pathological changes within a nerve that appear to be self-sustaining and thus the continues for a long time. The pathological changes can result from partial damage to a nerve and/or inflammation within the nerve. Read more…
The History Of Back Pain Treatment
May 15th, 2013 Posted in Treatment
According to this article, studying the history of back pain treatment, we find that the approach towards mending one of the most important physical problems in life, the treatment of the spine, has undergone rapid changes that are keeping pace with the progress of science. The spine has been attributed to be the most important part of the body because it exhibits strength and flexibility. Gradually realizing the importance of the spine, physicians have done extensive research work before taking any pragmatic approach for treatment of back pain. While Yoga practitioners have emphasized proper body postures, Chiropractors have followed the method of subluxation. Hippocrates had advocated for traction and splints, while IbnSina discussed at length about neuro-anatomy. With the invention of radiology, anesthesia and antiseptics, more light is Read more…
Yoga During Pregnancy
May 11th, 2013 Posted in Exercises
According to this article, physicians are advising pregnant women to practice yoga during pregnancy. Before taking up various yoga positions, it is advisable to know which ones are safe. Some of the beneficial yoga positions include transverse abdominal strengthening, Kegals, Pigeon Pose, standing poses for strengthening the legs and Gluteals, Virabadrasana II, and squats. There are also some yoga poses that should be avoided during pregnancy, such as deep abdominal twists, deep backbends, and some positions that are prone for instance lying on the back. Physical instructors are the best people to advise on the correct yoga poses for pregnant women. Yoga During Pregnancy Gone are the days when pregnancy meant becoming a couch potato. Today, many doctors and health professionals are encouraging women to work Read more…
Tips For Fast Back Pain Relief
May 8th, 2013 Posted in pain relief
If you want get fast relief from back soreness, here are some tips for fast back pain relief. Apply Tiger Balm Red to soothe the initial pain, as it has an anaesthetic effect. Through Homedicsheal, it is possible to take advantage of PEMF technology to boost blood circulation to the damaged areas. Nature’s best Devil’s Claw is a herb, which is very effective for getting relief from acute pain in the lower back. Vitamin D is important in repairing the weakness of the bones and muscles which is responsible for pain. Tips For Fast Back Pain Relief 1) Soothe the initial back pain Tiger Balm Red – an effective muscle rub to soothe aches and pains works well for providing relief to an injury. Applying Read more…
Ways To Get Rid Of Pain
May 5th, 2013 Posted in Prevention
There are proven methods of alternative treatment for ways to get rid of pain, which doesn’t involve the use of drugs and invasive methods of treatment. Light to moderate exercises such as walking, stretching and swimming, combined with application of heat on the affected areas can provide substantial relief. Applying ice after exercise is also advocated as a part of hot and cold plus exercise cycle. Lose extra weight through exercise and activities because every extra pound of weight can put three times as much pressure on the spine. Try natural remedies which relax the mind and body to release mental stress. Topical pain relievers are also useful for treatment of back pain as long as they are made from organic ingredients and are proven to have no Read more…
Spinal Cord Stimulation Back Pain Relief
May 1st, 2013 Posted in Treatment
When intense physical therapies and surgical procedures have failed to bring relief from back pain, there have been instances where spinal cord stimulation back pain relief has been successful in reducing back soreness without any additional medication. This procedure involves placing a small device on the lower back and having an electrode wire inserted through the catheter, which is left in the epidural area. To find out whether the procedure works, patients are advised to undergo tests for a week to observe the effects. A permanent implantation is followed if results of the introductory experiment prove to be successful. Although this procedure cannot guarantee a hundred percent success, it can give back your daily activities such as walking and engaging yourself in light activities. Spinal Cord Read more…