Back Pain Relief Expert First Chiropractic Student To Win Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
July 25th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
There are chiropractic students who wish to follow in Dr. Albert Schweitzer’s footsteps. Every year graduate students are bestowed with this fellowship to encourage more students to get inspired. This has resulted in the back pain relief first chiropractic student to win Albert Schweitzer fellowship. The fellowship is dedicated to honor those in the medical field by finding the leaders who will take forward developments in healthcare as their mission to serve the community and improve health. The fellows perform really well to meet the needs of the people with health problems. Their performance also helps other people in the profession to get inspired. Back Pain Relief Expert First Chiropractic Student To Win Albert Schweitzer Fellowship National University of Health Sciences student Dana Madigan is the Read more…
Back Pain Relief FAQ
July 21st, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Back pain is a problem that is faced by almost all of us at some point in our lives. Employees blame back pain as their most common cause of sick leave from work. There are certain questions that arise in our mind as soon as the pain sets in, including the prognosis and diagnosis that is done by the doctors is always not correct, and the pain does not seem to go away, especially after a treatment is pursued. As the spine has a very complex structure, it is often not possible for a doctor to find out the exact reason for the cause of the pain. That is without mentioning the stress and depression that may also be suffered by people with back pain. That is why Read more…
The 7 Day Back Pain Cure Review
July 17th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Today we are reviewing the book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure by Jesse Cannone, a leading back pain rehabilitation expert and fitness trainer. It is a 250 page hardcover book that provides hundreds of common sense tips and loads of information on ways to get rid of your back pain. It is about fixing your back without surgery or drugs – the natural way. So far Jesse has given away 150,000 copies of the book. It starts off with a detailed insight into the story of how the book came to be. It involves how Jesse had a “knee” injury from running more than he should have in an effort to impress his future wife, Maria. He impressed her alright, but he found out he had imbalances Read more…
Back Pain Relief Gallup Poll
July 12th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
According to the surveys conducted on Americans from the age of 18, by Gallup Healthways Well Being Index, it is observed that about one third of those in their mid-50s experience chronic back pain, and out of every five adults between the age of 40 and 80 develop back pain at some time during their life. It has been revealed through the latest back pain relief Gallup poll that in 2011, 31% of Americans have experienced back and neck pain. The index also informed that 26% suffered from knee and leg pain, and 18% due to other causes for recurring pain. About 47% of Americans suffer from any one of the chronic causes of back pain while 7% have been found to acquire all three types of chronic Read more…
Back Pain Relief Elusive For Most Patients
July 12th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
There has been a significant increase in the number of Americans who suffer from back pain. Back pain is also a major reason for absence of employees, which is a big concern to employers. More people are spending their money trying to find the most effective treatment in order to cure their back pain. However, research shows that most people are wasting their money and not finding effective relief from back pain. The common trend is that back pain relief is elusive for most patients. Most patients are actually not expecting the results to be so poor despite spending so much money on trying to alleviate the problem. Most patients who have received treatment for the first time tend to get back pain again within six months. Read more…
Ideas for back pain relief in pregnant women
July 4th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Back Pain is a common problem and some ideas for back pain relief in pregnant women which are simple and effective are listed below: 1/ Always maintain a good posture – as the centre of gravity shifts the body compensates by bending backwards. Walk tall, do not slouch, stand straight and keep the shoulders back and in a relaxed position. Walk slowly and do not tire yourself. 2/ Avoid high heeled shoes, wear comfortable flats that do not constrict the feet and allow you to walk freely. 3/ Use abdominal and waist support bands on the advice of your doctor to avoid pressure or strain on the abdominal and back muscles. 4/ Sleep on the sides and never on the back for long, Read more…
Back Pain Relief With Correct Posture
June 29th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
When you are suffering from back pain, the most important decision that you will need to make is the correct method of treatment. While making a decision, try to become educated about all of the different kinds of treatment available. There are various kinds of treatment for back pain, and maintaining the correct posture with the right kind of stretches and exercises is one of them. So, let us discuss the benefits of back pain relief with correct posture. Now, how do you deal with incorrect posture and maintain a correct one? A physiotherapist is the best person to consult for this. So, once you are done with your treatment, you will need to keep yourself going by maintaining a good posture and doing regular exercises to support Read more…
Get Back Pain Relief At Work
June 19th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Many people suffer from back pain at work. To get back pain relief at work you need to follow some simple common sense tips that will get you started in the right direction to alleviate back pain. Often it is just a bad chair you are using or sitting with bad posture for hours. Just a few tips can make the world of difference. And they are not difficult. Try some of them published in an article in below Get Back Pain Relief At Work Examine your workstation You need to setup your working space and make it optimal for whatever you do. Aside from having a good office chair, you need to make sure that your computer monitor, keyboard, filing cabinets, paper trays, Read more…
Ideas For Lower Back Pain Relief
June 14th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Pain in the lumbar region may sometimes be unbearable, and, for some, often it can turn chronic. There are many ways that lower back pain relief may be obtained. Here, we shall discuss the effective methods of treatment for lower back pain that remain popular for the last thirty years. • Lower back pain exercises are a unique way for rehabilitation from pain associated with the lower portion of the back. Proper stretching exercises, which include stretching the lower back muscles and the hip and abdominal muscles, provide great relief to lower back pain sufferers. • Proper posture and ergonomics are essential for lower back pain relief. Keeping to proper posture, especially while sitting for long hours, will help to prevent the pain from aggravating. • Read more…
6 Back Pain Relief Tips
June 11th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Millions of people suffer from back pain every year. Are you one of them? If so, then you must know that back pain does not have one particular treatment that cures it permanently. You will know what treatment is best for you, as what really works for one person does not necessarily work on someone else. Everyone hopes that treatment will cure their back pain. Below are 6 back pain relief tips for your information. You can always try them out, and see if they work for you. 6 Back Pain Relief Tips WATCH OUT FOR UNEXPECTED TRIGGERS Many activities strain your back without you even thinking. Cycle commuters are particularly prone to back pain as the rotation to look over your shoulder when turning right Read more…