How To Sit Properly At Work
If your job demands sitting for long hours, then it is important to learn how to sit properly at work. The height of the chair is important, but we tend to ignore it by not resting our back adequately at regular intervals.
Instead, we slouch forward, which can be one of the major causes of lower back issues. Not using the backrest properly puts pressure on the spine, especially at the point just above the hips. It is necessary to do what you can to maintain an ergonomic position while sitting, at rest, or while carrying out tasks including computer work. Adjustments of every aspect of your workstation are necessary to prevent neck stiffness and lower back pain.
Getting off your chair after every 15 minutes reduces the pressure on the spinal cord by standing up or walking a few steps. Making a range of adjustments to help alleviate back injury from sitting as outlined in the following article helps to prevent problems such as lower back soreness after a certain period.
This will help to release the tension on the spinal cord, and prevent stiffness of the neck and pain.
How To Sit Properly At Work
If you work in an office and use a computer, you can avoid injury by sitting in the right position and arranging your desk correctly
Height Of Your Chair: Most of us have chairs with adjustable heights in our office. But we are usually too lazy to adjust the height of our chair. This leads to a lot of unnecessary pressure on our back. Whether you are too high on your chair or too low, you will have to slouch forward to reach your keyword. This causes lower back pain over a period of time.
Back To The Chair: The reason your chair has a back rest is to support your back. But most of us do not sit with our back touched to the chair. The back rest is not for comfort or luxury, it is to keep your back straight. And when you do not use it properly, there is a lot of strain on your spinal cord, especially on the point just above your hips.
Hands On The Table: Never sit on chair with your hands hanging loosely from your sides. Your hands should either be placed on your lap or firmly on the table. Letting your hands hang casually around your sides makes the blood rush to the extremities of your fingers; it is the basic rule of gravity. That is why, your fingers ache by the end of the day.
Computer Posture: Do you use a laptop? Then get yourself a docking station. Laptops are the worst gadgets for your back. When you are using a laptop that is placed on the table, then you will have an inherent tendency to slouch towards the screen. This kind of sitting posture ruins your back. You will be prone to a stiff neck and lower back pain if you persist with this computer posture. Adjust the height of your laptop screen to match it with your chair.
Break The Sitting Posture: According to medical rules, you should get up every 15 minutes to break the monotony of a sitting posture. However, work pressure will not allow you to do that. So try to get up and walk around at least once in an hour.
It is surprising that a few simple measures relating to our sedentary methods of working could make all the difference to the health of your back and improve your posture. To learn how to sit properly at work is important to prevent lower back pain.
What causes back and neck pain and how can you avoid it by adapting your posture? This short video about healthy computing provides useful insights about how to sit and stand up while working at your desk.
The best way to sit at a computer terminal – optimizing your energy! Brought to you by Christina Foch – Certified Physiotherapist.
This video features a healthy sitting posture to reduce back pain by Dana Davis, Certified Balance posture teacher and Certified Yoga Teacher from Sonoma Body Balance, a posture and yoga studio in Petaluma, CA.
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Tags: back pain while sitting, How To Sit Properly At Work