Lower Back Pain Relief with Strong Hips


It cannot be denied that the hip muscles along with the muscles of the back and abdomen are the core muscles that prevent body aches and back pain when they remain active and strong. The hip muscles help in the stabilization of the pelvis and support the movements of the lower back. Many medical journals state that unstable hip muscles may be the cause of distortions in the back leading to injuries and back pain.

There are over 17 muscles in the hip area that help in the movement of the lower portion of the body, especially the legs and knees in flexing, adducting, extending, abducting, and rotating both internally and externally. The iliotibial band syndrome is an injury to the thigh that is caused by weak hip muscles, which may lead to chronic knee pain. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges are aimed at lower back pain relief with strong hips to strengthen the hip extensors more than the quadriceps, inner hip muscles, and the hip flexors.
This imbalance may result in putting excessive strain on the hip flexors, and the posterior part of the pelvis, which exposes the spine to a greater risk of injury. Lunges are an exercise that enables you to shift the load from one part of the hip to another. It is an ideal exercise for beginners, but it will not help with all issues relating to the lower back and hip areas.


Lower Back Pain Relief with Strong Hips


Exercises focusing on hip strengthening can relieve back pain

The unbalanced relationship


Over 17 muscles allow the hip to extend, flex, adduct, abduct and rotate internally and externally. The lack of strength of these muscles increases the risks of suffering from the common iliotibial band syndrome – injury to the thigh – with runners and bikers. Problems here can also lead to other acute and chronic knee pains.


Unfortunately, many exercises that are done at the gym such as lunges, squats and deadlifts emphasize the hip extensors (gluteus and hamstrings) more than the hip flexors, the inner hip muscles (iliopsoas) and the quadriceps.


“This strength imbalance can lead to hip flexors strain and also to a posterior pelvic tic, which puts the lumbar spine at a greater risk of injury,” states the article.


The lunge is one of the exercises that provides more versatility to quickly shift the stress from one area of the hips muscles to another.   Certainly, lunges will not cover all hips matters but at least will be an easy start since many fitness aficionados already include it in their workouts.


The boundaries of the lunge are that this multi-joint leg movement recruits muscle synergy so that “the larger trunk muscle such as the rectus abdominis, spinal erectors, oblique and hips muscles works as global spinal stabilizers and provided the force needed for actual trunk or hip muscles,” explains Everett Asberg in the book Muscle Mechanics.


In other words, when doing a lunge you are also targeting the abdominals and other important back muscles.


Not your typical lunge


The multi-planar lunge will engage not just the hip extensors such as the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings (posterior part of the thigh) but also the hip adductors such as the adductors magnus, longus and brevis (interior part of the thigh) and the hip flexors – iliopsoas and rectus femoris.


Add this exercise to your lower body workout or whole body circuit. This move will heavily engage the abdominals and due to its large muscle involvement will aid to support a lean body mass. It can be done with dumbbells or a barbell.


At all times, keep your back straight and chest up. Your knee should not pass the toe of your foot. Stand tall and keep your core tight. Focus on the technique rather than the weight you lift. Consider that the exercise has four moves in which a rep counts after you do all four. This will make your heart pump and tackle your endurance, strength and balance capacity.


Read more of article here



It is advisable to use those exercises for lower back pain relief with strong hips that will strengthen the hip muscles, and in the process, will actively reduce the back pain. Proper instructions should be followed while doing these exercises to prevent any damage.

Videos Showing Hip Strengthening Exercises To Help With Back Pain


In the following video fitness expert David Wicker demonstrates exercises to relieve back pain by stretching the tight muscles around the hips that attach to the lower back.





 This video from ehowfitness.com demonstrates exercises designed to stretch the hip area and open up the muscles, helping strengthen the area around your back.




To find out more information about all things to do with helping you recover from back pain, sign up for a free copy of The 7 Day Back Pain Cure, available on our website by signing up below.




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