Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief
September 22nd, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Extensive research on the effectiveness of acupuncture for back pain relief has revealed that this means of therapy aims to ensure the proper flow of energy around the body. Acupuncture for back pain relief has proved to have a positive impact. The therapy uses many thin, sharp needles that are inserted into the trigger points of the body regulating the energy flow. Acupuncture appears to alter the pattern of Read more...
Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief
July 8th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy used for medical purposes and it is relatively new as a stream in the modern medical field and yet to gain credibility in the field of treating back pain. Acupuncture in its original form was never meant for treating pain but ironically it has gained popularity with people looking for alternate methods to eradicate pain without the use of medicine. Read more...
Alternative Back Pain Relief Methods: Chiropractic and Acupuncture
April 18th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Most of us suffer from back pain at some stage of our lives, either at a young age or later on in life for some people. Different people choose different treatments for the relief of their back pain. Some people just take painkillers that are available over the counter and others may opt for a surgery. But none of these treatments are perfect, with some only providing temporary relief. Read more...
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