Ways To Get Rid Of Pain
There are proven methods of alternative treatment for ways to get rid of pain, which doesn’t involve the use of drugs and invasive methods of treatment. Light to moderate exercises such as walking, stretching and swimming, combined with application of heat on the affected areas can provide substantial relief. Applying ice after exercise is also advocated as a part of hot and cold plus exercise cycle.
Lose extra weight through exercise and activities because every extra pound of weight can put three times as much pressure on the spine. Try natural remedies which relax the mind and body to release mental stress. Topical pain relievers are also useful for treatment of back pain as long as they are made from organic ingredients and are proven to have no side effects.
Ways To Get Rid Of Pain
Get rid of pain in a variety of ways: pain specialists, at-home pain treatments, prescription drugs, alternative medicine and more
There are many non-drug ways to put the brakes on big pain. In many cases, these techniques can slash your discomfort by 20 percent to 60 percent. And for two-thirds of you, they’ll make it so you can slash your narcotic pain-pill doses, too. This “combo plan” also can brighten your mood and deepen your sleep.
If you’ve got pain that won’t quit, you can take the upper hand with these four steps:
» No. 1: Hot and cold plus exercise: Physical activity may be the last thing you want to do when something hurts. But for soft tissue problems that trigger lower-back pain, for example, exercise (walking, stretching, maybe swimming) combined with 20 minutes of heat on the tender area at least twice a day pays big dividends, like cutting your need for prescription pain pills by 50 percent and boosting the odds you’ll be back to work 50 percent sooner.
Exercise and ice are a good combination for other pain triggers. For arthritis, for example, exercise can focus on strengthening muscles around the joints, relieving pressure. And ice acts as a natural anesthetic and reduces inflammation. Bonus: When ice is removed, blood flow increases, and that carries away bad things that cause inflammation.
» No. 2: Watch your weight. Do extra pounds add to pain? Yep. Not only does every 10 pounds of excess weight put another 30-70 pounds of added pressure on your knees and feet with every step, added weight increases your odds for low-back pain, tension and migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, abdominal pain and chronic widespread pain, not to mention heart disease, cancer, dementia, impotence and skin wrinkling. The good news? Losing weight takes the pressure off.
» No. 3: De-stress daily and meditate. Turning inward for a few quiet minutes relaxes tension (and tension makes pain feel worse). You harness the power of your brain’s alpha rhythm, a brain wave that tunes out distractions like pain. Meditation also sharpens memory. Good news, because chronic pain can take a toll on your ability to remember names, dates and where you left the car keys. Progressive muscle relaxation — tightening and then releasing your muscles slowly from toes to head — eases joint aches, inflammatory bowel disease, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis pain and even inflammatory bowel disease symptoms. And mini-meditations in which you let go of tension and let pain float away (try it for 10 minutes at a time) can do a lot to make the agony subside.
» No. 4: Use topical pain relievers. These halt pain signals before they reach your brain, so you get relief without pills and pill side effects. (There still can be some side effects if a medicine is absorbed through your skin, so remember to drink plenty of water whether taking pills or applying lotions or creams.) Options include over-the-counter creams and prescription-only patches containing capsaicin (the same compound that gives red peppers their fiery zing), as well as prescription creams containing stronger pain drugs.
There are many ways to get rid of pain, which include physical exercise, meditation, and use of natural pain relievers. Following these methods, you can save on the costs of physical therapy and invasive methods of treatment for back pain. Why not try it? It is never too late.
Great video information on how to relieve your back pain, and help prevent it from coming back. With physiotherapists Lisa Howell and Sally Harrison from Perfect Form Physiotherapy at PerfectFormPhysio.com
Dr. Devin Parrish discussing the treatment of chronic back and neck pain. Video from ChiropracticHouston.com.
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Tags: Back Pain Relief Exercises, Prevention, Ways To Get Rid Of Pain