Back Pain Relief With Yoga
Specialized Yoga classes conducted in groups may prove to be a cost effective way for back pain relief with Yoga. While those with healthy lower backs could find a 12-week group Yoga intervention program both cost effective and rewarding according to this article. Those practicing Yoga for prevention of back pain were found to be more regularly at work than those not participating.
Back Pain Relief With Yoga
Many people with back pain find yoga to be very helpful in reducing their pain. Over time, yoga can increase your strength and flexibility.
Specialized group yoga classes could provide a cost-effective way of treating patients with chronic or recurrent low back pain, according to the UK’s largest ever study of the benefits of yoga.
Led by the University of York, and funded by Arthritis Research UK, the study provides an evaluation of a specially-developed 12-week group yoga intervention program compared to conventional general practitioner (GP) care alone.
The results published in Spine, show that the yoga intervention program – ‘Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs’ – is likely to be cost effective for both the UK National Health Service (NHS) and wider society.
The cost assumed for yoga intervention is important in determining whether this is an efficient use of NHS resources. As yoga classes are not currently available through the NHS, the researchers examined a range of possible costs. They conclude that if the NHS was to offer specialist yoga and managed to maintain the cost below £300 per patient (for a cycle of 12 classes), there is a high probability (around 70 per cent) of the yoga intervention being cost effective.
Researchers also found that those taking part in the yoga program had far fewer days off work than those in the control group. On average, a control group participant reported 12 days off due to back pain, whereas those in the yoga group had four days off. The cost associated with taking time off was £1,202 for a control group member, compared with £374 for a yoga group member.
The study was carried out by researchers from the University of York’s Department of Health Sciences and the Centre for Health Economics, and the Hull York Medical School.
Chief Investigator Professor David Torgerson, Director of York Trials Unit, in the University of York’s Department of Health Sciences, said: “Back pain represents a significant burden to the NHS in the UK and to society as a whole. As well as the associated health care costs, it is also a major cause of work absenteeism which leads to a productivity loss to society.
“While yoga has been shown as an effective intervention for treating chronic and low back pain, until now there has been little evidence on its cost effectiveness. In our study we evaluated a specially-designed yoga class package by using individual-level data from a mulch-centered randomized controlled trial. On the basis of the 12-month trial, we conclude that 12 weekly group classes of specialized yoga are likely to provide a cost-effective intervention for the treatment of patients with chronic or recurrent low back pain.”
While the NHS is great for its surgery, thinking about a prescription that says you should do 12 weeks of Yoga is going to rise more than a few eyebrows. Although there is some evidence of back pain relief with Yoga being effective, is it something that should be provided through the NHS? Those who have a healthy lower back might say no, but those in pain might say they are willing to take a Yoga intervention program and find it effective. Based on an extensive study over a year, it may be concluded that a 12-week Yoga intervention program may be cost effective, and at the same time rewarding in providing effective treatment for chronic back pain.
This sequence targets lower back pain with a yoga routine and is conducted in an injury-prevention healing mode by Yoga Art Flow.
In this video celebrity yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin leads an invigorating Vinyasa yoga workout, focusing on the hamstrings and side of the body.
Find more information about how to get rid of your back pain. Get your free copy of the book The 7 Day Back Pain Cure – available below by clicking the instant access button.
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Tags: Back Pain Relief Exercises, Back Pain Relief With Yoga, Yoga For Back Pain Relief