How To Get Lower Back Pain Relief
April 15th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Your lower back is a combination of many bones and elements that are interconnected and overlapped. Doctors understand the complexity of the interplay of these bones and tissues. Usually the first we know about problems is when we receive pain in lower back. There are many reasons for lower back pain. Some of them are mainly caused by poor posture due to excess body weight, physical strain of driving for hours every day, sitting in front of your computer at work during the day for long hours, straining your body by lifting heavy weights, and so on. But, let us face it, back pain is suffered by many, and we then search for the answer of how to get lower back pain relief? Only a small percentage Read more…
Piriformis Syndrome: Back Pain Relief For Firefighters
April 14th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Here is an interesting piece from John Hofman who is the strength and conditioning coach for the Sacramento (CA) Fire Department. He is an expert at piriformis syndrome back pain relief for firefighters. This condition is an irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes referred pain into the buttocks – deep in the glute muscles. Firefighters typically get this condition as they are often working in awkward confined spaces with their lower back carrying loads. Piriformis Syndrome: Back Pain Relief For Firefighters Over the years, I have spent countless hours helping firefighters overcome their back pain. I am proud to say that the methods I used have been very successful, but there still seems to be one common problem associated with Read more…
Smoking Linked To Back Pain
April 9th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
We all know that smoking is bad for you, but a doctor has actually found a connection with smoking linked to back pain. From the WQAD News, here is a recent article that highlights the impact smoking can have on lower back pain. In particular, check out Dr Dolphin’s theory of what happens to cartilage as a result of smoking. Read more on Dr Dolphin’s thoughts below (yep, that’s his real name). If you have any opinions please feel free to make comments on Dr Dolphin’s views in the comments box below. Smoking Linked To Back Pain Millions of people suffer from back pain. Among the common culprits: poor support while sleeping, carrying too much weight, and smoking. Steve Vandemore lives a relatively Read more…
Back Pain Relief While Traveling
April 3rd, 2012 Posted in pain reliefWhen you are on holidays, or in transit for business, a major problem for those with back pain is trying to get back pain relief while traveling. Often travel is associated with long stints seated on uncomfortable plane seats, or stuck in confined positions in motor vehicles, trains or buses. There are some simple techniques that you can use however, to alleviate the severity of the back pain you are experiencing while you are traveling. Just take a few minutes out of each day of your trip to do these quick and easy exercises and it will make a HUGE difference to the quality of your journey. Here is a recent article dedicated to helping you out during your travels when you can’t get to a doctor, Read more…
Back Pain Relief For Kids Carrying Schoolbags
April 3rd, 2012 Posted in pain reliefMaybe it is time for kids to ditch the heavy schoolbooks and adopt the ipad as the main school textbook of choice? That would certainly give back pain relief for kids carrying schoolbags to school. Many children are burdened with very heavy loads with schoolbooks and other extras packed into their bags. Not a good time to start getting back pain – at age 10 and under. Lets hope modern technology can help fix this problem and that over the next decade all kids carry is some form of tablet or notepad that takes the place of heavy text books. Back Pain Relief For Kids Carrying Schoolbags It’s a burden perhaps even Atlas would have balked at. School bags, despite attempts by education boards and complaints from Read more…
Back Pain Relief While Standing
April 2nd, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Here is a great piece from – all about standing up on the job! It talks about how many back sufferers are opting to stand up as opposed to sitting down while working to get back pain relief while standing. It is a great idea! Many people that have back pain understand that sitting for long periods of time, especially on seats that have poor lumbar support, will cause you severe back pain. For those of you who prefer to stand as often as possible to relieve your lower back pain, this one’s for you! For many other back pain relief secrets, be sure to sign up for the free back pain relief guide – you can sign up and get it for free in the box Read more…
Inversion Machine For Back Pain Relief
March 30th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
If you have ever suffered from back pain, you know that you will be prepared to try anything to get better. Have you tried an inversion machine for back pain relief? It is quite a cool way of trying to fix your back! You lie on a table and then using your own body and arms, you can move the table so that it sets your body in an upside down position. It is not only used for back pain, but also for general relaxation and circulation. Think about all that blood rushing to your brain – that’s supposed to make us smarter! Here are some great reasons why you should try out an inversion machine. It frees and separates your vertabraes and some people swear by them. Read more…
Back Pain Treatment With Laser Therapy
March 29th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
If you are one of those people that has tried everything for your lower back pain, check out this new back pain relief technique world renowned back specialist Dr David H Cauble. It involves a back pain treatment with laser therapy. There have been many ‘alternative’ therapy options for lower back pain relief, however often many don’t work. If you are desperate though, it is advised to try ANY of the new techniques out there. Some of these in the past have been autologous blood injections, cortisone injections and the like. They are designed with one thing in mind – to promote healing. It seems this new method comes under that category – the laser is aimed at the site of the pain and is meant to Read more…
Good Posture Helps With Back Pain Relief At Home
March 28th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Have you ever been told to “bend your knees” when lifting up a heavy object? Or even a small light object for that matter? Carrying yourself with the correct posture may be more important than you think – it is really true – good posture helps with back pain relief at home. By keeping your back straight, especially when seated, you can avoid any unnecessary injuries to your back. Also when you are doing any type of lifting in the home, however innocuous it may seem, you risk doing yourself a serious lower back injury. This latest article on good posture emphasizes just how important it is to carry ourselves with good posture in our day to day lives. The fact is that most back injuries occur in Read more…