Lower Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy


Causes for back pain during pregnancy are the result of poor posture, especially walking with high-heeled shoes. Walking in a different way causes the ligaments and muscles to relax, causing back pain, which increases during pregnancy due to an increase in body weight. One of the simplest ways to get lower back pain relief during pregnancy is by wearing flat or low heel shoes. One should not carry heavy bags either. Other preventive measures are explored in this article, which include maintaining a comfortable posture at rest as well as when walking.



Lower Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy

Appropriate treatment can help provide significant back pain relief during the pregnancy

Back pain is one of the most common complaints in pregnancy. About 70 per cent of expectant mothers experience some degree of it.


The increase in weight can cause back strain which is often worsened by poor posture. Add to that the fact that you are walking in a different way and your hormones are relaxing the muscles and ligaments throughout your body. This can result in especially painful backache in the latter stages of pregnancy.


The good news is you do not have to grin and bear it. There are many ways in which you can prevent it or treat it should you fail to stave it off.


For a start, forget vanity and cast those killer heels aside, at least until your baby is born. Shops have an extensive selection of fashionable flats or low heeled shoes. These will be much more comfortable and will not put extra stress on your back.


When shopping try to avoid carrying heavy bags. If you must make sure you balance the weight between both arms. If you find going to the shops too much of a chore enlist the help of a willing friend or family member. Or think about having your weekly shop delivered to your door. The benefits will tell on your face and back!


If backache strikes there are a number of ways in which you can help yourself:-


1. Indulge yourself with a pleasantly scented bath.


2. Put your feet up higher than your head.


3. Visit a physiotherapist or try alternative treatment from an osteopath or chiropractor.


Here are some tips to help keep backache at bay:-




* Your mattress should be firm but not hard. It should be soft enough to allow your spine to retain its natural shape.


* Do not use a large pillow which tilts your head forward. Avoid using too many pillows also because they may twist your neck. A polyester/feather (avoid the latter if you are an asthmatic) pillow is best because it conforms to the shape of your neck.


* If you have backache try sleeping on your side in a modified foetal position. Rest your head on a relatively flat pillow and put a thin pillow between your knees.




* Lifting the wrong way can cause backache. Always stand close to the object, squat down, get a firm grip and raise smoothly by stretching the knees and keeping the spine straight


* Check that working surfaces are high enough so you avoid bending


* When carrying bags make sure the weight is evenly distributed


* Know your limits. Ask for help if you need it




* Sit upright while on the telephone. Do not cradle it between your head and shoulder.


* Avoid sitting for long periods by standing up often and bending your legs slightly forward


* Choose a comfortable seat which keeps your hips above your knees.


* Sit up straight with a cushion behind your back


* Keep your feet on the floor while sitting


When baby is born


* Make sure your back is well supported when feeding your baby


* Change your baby on a surface which is the right height for you. Do not bend and stoop over your child


* Lying on your side is a particularly comfortable way to breastfeed if your back aches. Try your pelvic tilting while you feed


* If feeding while sitting place a cushion behind your waist and a pillow on your lap. Sit well back in the chair. Have a low stool for your feet.


* When lifting your child from floor level always bend at the knees


* Do not stand with your baby resting on one hip, get a sling instead.





Lower back pain relief during pregnancy can affect the mood and health of a pregnant woman. Both during pregnancy and after the birth of the new born, mothers should stick to the basics of maintaining good body posture when walking, sitting, and sleeping in order to prevent back pain. While walking wearing low heel or flat shoes, sleeping on a firm mattress, and not carrying heavy weights are some of the things that should be followed during pregnancy, there are some other preventive steps that can be taken after birth to maintain better posture.
Keeping the back well supported while feeding the baby and lifting the child with bended knees are some of the things to be followed to prevent back pain.  While the focus during pregnancy is to ensure a healthy baby, do not neglect the health of the mother. Like mother, like child, the best intentions are required for perfect health throughout motherhood.



Watch Dr. Cathy from Educated Pregnancy demonstrate exercises for back, legs and glutes that can safely be performed throughout your entire pregnancy.



Find more information on pregnancy and back pain relief in the 300 page softcover book by one of the world’s leading back pain experts – Jesse Cannone. The book is available for a limited time for FREE by clicking get instant access below.



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