Horse Exercises For Back Pain In Humans
March 5th, 2013 Posted in Exercises
Experts have suggested that through short-term physiotherapeutic exercise, prevention of back pain may be obtained. This involves strengthening the multifidus muscles nestled around the vertebral columns, which controls and supports the movement of the spine. This program intended to strengthen the multifidus muscles of a horse; therefore, these horse exercises for back pain in humans are recommended in the following article. The results obtained after muscle-targeted exercises involving racehorses Read more...
Exercises For Back Pain Reduction During Pregnancy
July 20th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Pregnancy and back pain go hand in hand for most women, approximately 80 percent of them experience back pain ranging from mild to severe and in some rare cases even debilitating pain. In severe cases one has to see a doctor to rule out complications with pregnancy and labor. For the others, the reason could be as simple as hormonal changes that take place which result in loosening of Read more...
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