Yoga For Pain Relief
Yoga for pain relief has often been found to be an alternative therapy to the traditional treatments which have failed to produce significant results. Research work has confirmed that yoga improves function and reduces pain while increasing mobility in work according to the article below. Even those who have undertaken regular stretching routines have experienced the same benefit as those taking yoga classes. The study has been carried out on those who were willing to do the exercise. The instructors conducting the yoga classes were well versed on back problems and were able to instruct the participants to modify the poses if necessary when finding any weak spots.
Yoga For Pain Relief
Yoga poses that stretch and strengthen the spine and increase its range of motion have been found to make all the difference when it comes to alleviating pain.
A recent study funded by the government’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that regular yoga practice improved function and reduced back pain symptoms better than routine medical care in 228 back pain sufferers who participated in a clinical trial.
But the researchers found that those study participants who took regular stretching classes also experienced increased mobility and less pain — on par with those who took yoga.
“I was actually surprised that yoga worked,” said study author Karen Sherman, of the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle. “But now we’re trying to find out what’s going on. Was it the movement involved in the poses or the relaxation and stretches?”
The study participants had instructors well versed in back pain and able to modify poses based on the participant’s weak spots. The type of yoga practiced in the study was viniyoga, which emphasizes adaptation to individual students.
Yoga has been found to be effective for getting relief from back pain and increase mobility. A recent survey revealed that those who were motivated to take to Yoga exercises were found to get the maximum potential benefits without risking injury if the exercise program was adapted to suit their individual requirements. Yoga for pain relief is effective as a form of structured exercise for improving the mobility of patients with back pain, as long as the exercise program is personalized. Yoga participants under study had instructors who had sound knowledge on back pain, which is also beneficial so that exercises are not carried out that could cause further pain or injury. As such, they were able to introduce Viniyoga, a form of Yoga where emphasis is placed on adaptation while doing Yoga exercises.
In this video, Manny Aragon – advanced practitioner of Structural Integration, introduces some yoga exercises to relieve back pain fast. These exercises work in relieving low back pain.
Yoga therapist Raven Seltzer shares two indispensable, restorative yoga poses for alleviating low back pain.
Secrets for feminine radiance from Sara Avant Stover of The Way of the Happy Woman. Get relief from lower back pain through alternately stretching and strengthening the muscles of your lower back.
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