Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief
April 30th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
People between the mid-thirties and mid-forties often complain of back pain, and they will often mention their suffering due to back pain. However, unless it is seriously disabling, most back pain goes away with correct and timely treatment. Yoga is an age old cure to back pain. Yoga helps to keep the body healthy. Some of the common causes of mild back pain are caused by straining your back excessively, like sportsmen, or inactivity of the back muscles that means the back is not being exercised, like people in front of a computer all day, every day. The damage of tissues or muscles of the spine is yet another cause of serious back pain. If these are not treated, and the pain goes without treatment, it can make Read more…
Modern Lifestyle Causes Back Pain
April 30th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
A recent study into back pain has found out that the number of young people who suffer from back pain today is much greater than the number of young people who suffered from it in the previous generation. From this, we may very well come to the conclusion that modern lifestyle causes back pain. So, there is more than one reason for back pain and you may be suffering badly due to your modern lifestyle. With packed schedules on weekdays, there is no time for you to relax. Stress keeps mounting within you, which results in diseases, illness, and physical and mental abnormalities. Work on your abdominal muscles to lose extra fat from that region of your body so that your posture remains correct. This will not Read more…
Questions To Ask For Back Pain Relief
April 29th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
The most important questions to ask for back pain relief are not always so obvious. What is the first question you would ask if you start getting back pain symptoms. The first question should be what is my doctor’s phone number? But how many people actually do that first? Not many. Most try and self diagnose and become the expert either by asking friends or people they know who have back problems. However there are many different back conditions out there, and what you have may be different to what they have. Here is an article by a prominent fitness advisor and Pilates expert in the UK, David Higgins, outlining the important questions you need to ask if you ever start experiencing back pain. Questions Read more…
Disc Replacement Surgery For Back Pain Relief
April 28th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Replacement surgeries have become popular over the years. This kind of surgery has been used to replace hips, joints, and bones of the spine in order to treat chronic pain. In this section, we shall discuss disc replacement surgery for back pain relief. There are many techniques developed recently for surgery of the spine. Many surgeons even think that spine disc surgery using an artificial disc is going to be an advance in medical science soon, and many people are going to try it for treating back pain. Such surgery would be done through endoscopy and laparoscopy most of the time. So, the patient will not have to go through rigorous pain and the inherent dangers of open spine surgery any more. Disc Replacement Surgery For Read more…
Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Hinder Recovery
April 27th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Exercise should make you feel better not worse. At one point or another you probably experienced doing the wrong exercise because instead of it doing your body good, you ended up with an injury. It is important that we exercise according to what our body needs and it is always best to consult an expert. Don’t get fixated in the “no pain, no gain” principle because when there’s pain, it doesn’t necessarily mean the exercise was done properly. Even back pain relief exercises can hinder recovery. Of course, it’s normal though that we experience the pain especially a day or a couple of days after we started our new exercise routine. There are different back pain relief exercises that you can do but these should be advised Read more…
Back Pain Relief Drug Overdose Kills Man
April 27th, 2012 Posted in Medication
Like they always say, too much of something is bad and sometimes bad enough that it can be fatal. But can you blame those who are in very intense pain when all they can count on are pain-killers for back pain relief? Pain can be very excruciating especially for those with serious back problems because not only does it affect the neck or the hips for example but it can actually affect total body mobility. Worse, it is so painful it makes you want to die. As a matter of fact there has been an incident where a back pain relief drug overdose kills a man. It is unfortunate and perhaps you can only imagine how much pain he went through that he had to overdose on pain-killers. Read more…
Non Surgical Back Pain Relief Treatment
April 26th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
There are a lot of non-surgical options available for treating back pain. Patients are often confused about choosing one of these non-surgical options for their treatment. That is why proper education about the treatment available is important. You need to know the pros and cons of the treatment for patients who are suffering from back pain. To get the optimum value of the treatment expenditure, a patient needs to be educated about the treatment options available. The chosen option should be used after considering a number of factors such as weight, age, physical well being, medical history, and so on. Not all non surgical treatments may be suitable for everybody. Before actually considering surgery, all the available options should be explored by both the patient and the doctor. Read more…
Koren Specific Technique Back Pain Relief
April 26th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
The chiropractic method of KST gives emphasis to the whole body, and it identifies and tries to correct any imbalance that may be present in your body. It helps the body to heal from any imbalances so that it helps makes the body reach a different kind of health and wellness level. Koren specific technique back pain relief is not only effective at curing back pain, but it can also help manage any kind of pain in the body that may have resulted from muscular defect, or pains such as headache, and many more. Koren Specific Technique Back Pain Relief Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Secrest is raising awareness about how the Koren Specific Technique (KST) can help treat Scottsdale back pain patients who struggle with chronic pain issues. Read more…
Physiotherapy For Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy
April 24th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Pregnancy and child birth are the most memorable and happiest days in any woman’s life. However, this experience carries a mixture of feelings of happiness, excitement, and stress of the pain during labour and afterwards. There may be a lot of complications involved with pregnancy depending on the physical fitness, age, and stature of the woman. Back pain and pelvis pain are very common factors that many women suffer during pregnancy.When no medicines, surgery, or any alternative treatment work to provide help, then you should try physiotherapy for back pain relief during pregnancy, which has been proven to improve the situation. Physiotherapy For Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy Ever since the birth of her first child, Lily, 15 years ago, former Radio 2 presenter Emma Forbes Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches For Golf
April 24th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Golf is a sport that often puts physical strain on players resulting in back pain and their back becoming stiff. In these cases, stretching exercises can do the trick. Lower back pain relief stretches for golf are excellent ways to get rid of back pain caused by playing golf. These stretches can even be done while at work sitting on your chair, if you do not have enough time exclusively for doing these stretches. Dynamic stretching programs are suggested by doctors and experts to keep golfers’ backs healthy, strong, and flexible. Some of these stretching exercises include stretching while seated, stretch of the hamstring while seated, and twist stretches while seated, and so on. Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches For Golf Golf can be a sport Read more…