Genetic Link To Chronic Lower Back Pain
October 31st, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Among various factors influencing the rise in back pain among people throughout the world, especially in Norway, research work has revealed a genetic link to chronic lower back pain. Although, the genes present among us are mostly the same, some variants cause an accumulation of substances within the body that presents itself as back pain. Those possessing these variant genes are more prone to chronic back pain than other people are. The replacement of a single base pair in the DNA code by another pair results in this sort of variation. This reduces the activity of certain enzymes responsible for breaking down substances, which induces back pain. People with this variant type of gene have more long-term back pain, which become chronic, than those without it. Besides Read more…
Laser Therapy Provides Back Pain Relief
October 28th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
With more alternative methods for treatment of back pain being introduced, the FDA has approved laser therapy technology that involves penetrating the tissues deeply with laser light. This treatment promises to be successful in pain relief. It has been substantiated that laser therapy provides back pain relief, is non-invasive, painless, and without any side effects. Laser therapy involves stimulating the blood cells lying deep into the tissues, which provide relief from chronic back pain. Centers in America administering laser therapy have found that not only those suffering from chronic back pain have benefited from this method; this treatment is also associated with other joint conditions. Hear about this treatment in this article. Laser Therapy Provides Back Pain Relief Oakland County residents suffering from mild to severe body Read more…
Lose Weight And Exercise For Back Pain
October 25th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Self-discipline can help anyone to lose weight and to prevent the risks of back pain. By sacrificing a few moments of pleasure, one can find adequate reward in being healthy and not overweight to protect the spine from carrying excess weight and becoming injured. Most cases of chronic back pain is a result of being overweight; hence, the motto should be to lose weight and exercise for back pain. The spinal cord is unable to withstand too much weight and as a result, ligament strain causes the body to become out of shape and leads to the spinal disc becoming damaged. Losing weight through a scientific process is to have less calories by staying away from junk food and taking essential food groups to keep the body healthy. Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy
October 23rd, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Causes for back pain during pregnancy are the result of poor posture, especially walking with high-heeled shoes. Walking in a different way causes the ligaments and muscles to relax, causing back pain, which increases during pregnancy due to an increase in body weight. One of the simplest ways to get lower back pain relief during pregnancy is by wearing flat or low heel shoes. One should not carry heavy bags either. Other preventive measures are explored in this article, which include maintaining a comfortable posture at rest as well as when walking. Lower Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy Back pain is one of the most common complaints in pregnancy. About 70 per cent of expectant mothers experience some degree of it. The increase in weight can Read more…
Pelvic Girdle Pain During Pregnancy
October 20th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Pain in the pelvic area during pregnancy occurs in about 7 to 8 percent of pregnant women. If not treated properly, it may result in lifelong problems during subsequent pregnancies. No effective treatment of this type of pain has been found; however, the only way to prevent pelvic pain during further pregnancies is to seek guidance from an expert physiotherapist or from midwives. Only exercise can help to support the abdominal muscles, while supportive belts can also be helpful. Realignment of the pelvis through manipulation and light massage can assist with the treatment of pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. Either a physiotherapist, a chiropractor, can do this manipulation or even an osteopath, as long the specialist has a vivid idea of PGP as detailed in this article. Read more…
Do I Have Acute Back Pain Or Chronic Back Pain
October 18th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Whereas acute back pain is only a symptom, which may resolve within a few days, and is not considered a disease; chronic back pain is associated with long-term persistence of pain. However, after learning the actual causes of chronic back pain, new and effective methods of treatment have been recommended. The causes of chronic back pain may vary, for example, it may be caused by damage to the nerves or inflammatory pain experienced by injury of the nociceptors. Back pain may also be associated with injury to the spinal cord as a result of improper posture or an accident. Other causes of chronic back pain are pain from ageing, when there is minute wear and tear of the tissue cells. A herniated disc is also a major cause of Read more…
Back Pain Relief Tips
October 16th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Here are some back pain relief tips, which can be very effective if followed strictly. Breathe well by inhaling as much with your nose and exhale heartily from your mouth. Keep correct posture by standing straight against a wall. Bend at the knee and not the waist, and follow Zumba, which is an ideal way to twist your pelvis and shake your hips. Keep in touch with spine and neck specialists before going to Zumba. Take to Zumba after consulting your physician to exercise correctly. Proper breathing, correct posture, and movement patterns are important to get back pain relief according to this article. Back Pain Relief Tips Breathing: This is really where it all starts. Basically, if you’re not breathing well you’re not moving well, which is Read more…
Drugs Not Giving Back Pain Relief For War Veterans
October 15th, 2012 Posted in Medication
War veterans suffering from a herniated disc have found little relief in taking drugs, and there have been cases when a returning veteran has had to go as far as taking heroin to overcome the pain caused by a degenerated spinal disc. It is evident that drugs are not giving back pain relief for war veterans from studying the cases where drugs have failed to provide any relief to back pain. A new method of treatment for back pain is being followed by a group of pain management front liners through injecting local anesthetics into nerves localized to the pain. There have been instances when extensive doses of narcotics have failed to provide any results in curing back pain. However, a process of heating the needle and injecting Read more…
Back Pain Caused By Backpacks
October 13th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Back pain caused by backpacks in kids carrying backpacks that are overweight is a growing concern according to this article. Following some safety tips recommended by Orthopaedic Surgeons in this article, a child can stay away from back pain. Suggestions include not carrying more than 15% of their body weight by both the shoulder straps and a waist strap, removing unnecessary items, and keeping bigger items close to the back. Other advice includes bending at the knees to pick up the bag, keeping walkways clear of any backpack, and keep the books that are not required at home. Parents can help their child buy the right size of backpack and encourage them to tell them about any pain or numbness in the back. Back Pain Caused By Read more…
Exercise Regularly For Back Pain Relief
October 11th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Physical changes in our body take place because of metabolism and level of activity through which we lose weight from our bone mass. It has been diagnosed that together with a decrease in mass weight of the bones, muscle mass also decreases due to the muscles being replaced by fat, which gives the body a flabby appearance while gaining weight. This is due to lack of regular exercise and weight training. Low impact exercise and weight training programs can be helpful in maintaining the muscle mass and body shape as well as protect the body from injuries by the time you get into your late 70s. The recommendation by doctors to exercise regularly for back pain relief also helps to prevent heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer and Read more…