Back Pain Relief With Yoga
Back pain relief with Yoga has been found to be a better alternative therapy to the traditional treatments, which have failed to produce significant results. Research work that is discussed in this article, has confirmed that Yoga improves function and reduces back pain while increasing mobility at work. Even those who have undertaken regular stretching exercises experienced the same benefit as those taking Yoga classes, the study has been carried out on those who were willing to take to exercise, and eliminate those who were suffering from Sciatica and those who were unwilling to take to Yoga exercises.
Those who underwent Yoga classes were motivated enough to exercise, and they were not suffering from back pain to limit them in any way. They have the maximum benefit without risking injury. Always consult a doctor before taking to Yoga or other forms of exercise.
Back Pain Relief With Yoga
Yoga poses that stretch and strengthen the spine and increase its range of motion have been found to make all the difference when it comes to back pain.
When it comes to relieving chronic low back pain, very few traditional treatments — like pain killers, physical therapy, or surgery — provide significant relief. Thus, the National Institutes of Health has been throwing research dollars at less traditional therapies, like yoga, to see if they’re any better. One recent study funded by NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that regular yoga practice improved function and reduced back pain symptoms better than routine medical care in 228 back pain sufferers who participated in a clinical trial.
But the researchers also found that those study participants who took regular stretching classes also experienced increased mobility and less pain — on par with those who took yoga.
“I was actually surprised that yoga worked,” said study author Karen Sherman, of the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, during an online roundtable discussion on Monday. “But now we’re now trying to find out what’s going on. Was it the movement involved in the poses or the relaxation and stretches?”
She pointed out that of the 100-plus treatments touted for back pain, most haven’t been tested in clinical trials, so it’s impossible for doctors to know whether they really work and for whom.
The “for whom” aspect is crucial. For example, the study comparing yoga and stretching with routine medical care excluded patients whose back pain was attributed to a specific cause like sciatica, spinal stenosis, a slipped disk, or fracturerd vertebra. Those who weren’t willing to practice yoga poses or stretching at home in between weekly classes were also excluded.
Thus, the patients in this study were highly motivated to engage in exercise and didn’t have back conditions severe enough to limit their movements, which means they probably received the maximum potential benefits from the therapy with a minimal risk of injury.
You should also get a green light from your doctor since it may not be safe to practice yoga for specific conditions causing chronic pain. If your doctor can recommend a particular yoga instructor, that’s even better.
Yoga has been found to be effective for getting relief from back pain and increase mobility. A recent survey revealed that those who were motivated to take to Yoga exercises were found to get the maximum potential benefits without risking injury. Although the survey was conducted leaving those out who were suffering from back pain and those who were unwilling, it can still be said that back pain relief with Yoga is found to be conclusive. Before taking to Yoga exercises, check that you are fit so that you do not involve yourself in taking undue risk. Then buy some Lycra and enjoy your classes.
Manny Aragon is an advanced practitioner with Structural Integration, providing health resources for people with back pain problems.
Dr. Mangrum Shane talking about yoga exercises you can use to help address lower low back pain.
Jillian Michaels of Be Fit: Yoga Meltdown Level 1 is designed to sculpt muscle, burn fat, and tone your entire body fast! Begin with a gentle vinyasa, then kick up the intensity with a series of yoga poses combined with Jillian’s signature exercises.
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Tags: Back Pain Relief With Yoga, Yoga for Back Pain