Lower Back Pain When Sitting And Bending
June 28th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
It might surprise you to realize that the 2 most common reasons for back pain are the simple acts of either sitting or bending. These 2 fairly innocuous things are the cause of most of the back pain around the world – all deriving from the fact that originally humans were on four legs, and our spine isn’t really designed for certain weight bearing loads on two legs at certain angles. If you bend and twist the wrong way – you may hurt your back. If you sit for prolonged periods without proper lumbar support – you may hurt your back. Sounds a bit too simple – but in fact that is the reason for back injury most of the time. Lower back pain when sitting and bending Read more…
Facts About Back Surgery
June 26th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Many sufferers of back pain fear back surgery. For good reason – back surgery is a very daunting prospect, and is often the last resort for people with chronic back pain. It is always best to exhaust all other options before having to undertake back surgery. The following article from the Gloucester Times provides information about some of the important facts about back surgery. Facts About Back Surgery Informing yourself of the risks and benefits of any procedure is, at the very least, prudent. So here are some facts about various lumbar decompressive surgeries that every patient should know before going into the operating room: You’ll likely be better than before. Many patients assume that once you touch the back with a knife it’s never Read more…
Exercise For Kayaking And Lower Back Pain
June 15th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
While going kayaking, you should follow exercises to get your body in shape. Try to avoid back injuries while enjoying the sport. Exercises which involve cardio-vascular endurance are important for keeping fit. Swimming is an excellent exercise for cardio-vascular endurance. Running is another way to enhance the heart rate, which increases your endurance as well as other aerobic exercises. While kayaking, you will need strong legs and arms, so arm and leg exercises are important for this sport. Yoga exercises, such as the sun salutation and the cobra position, are very helpful in keeping your back muscles strong and flexible. Doing Pilates will help you immensely, and it will improve your balance and help you to have a tight grip and control in the kayak so that you Read more…
FitGolf Performance Centers To Study Back Pain Relief For Golf
June 8th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
FitGolf Performance Centers to study back pain relief for golf in Indianapolis have been conducting studies each year on the relationship between the body and swing while playing golf. The center is aiming to conduct research this year on the causes of back pain due to excessive bending of the body during play. The study is aimed at reaching 1,000 participants in and around Indianapolis. Observations made by golf fitness specialists with respect to the National Study reveals that those who have excessive sideways and pelvic bends and rotations will experience more pain in the lower back than those who tend to bend less. The research is being conducted at the FitGolf Performance Center in Indianapolis. At present, the study is aimed to be conducted upon 1,000 participants, Read more…
How To Avoid Back Pain While Seated At Work
May 31st, 2012 Posted in Pain in the backSitting down at work for long periods can be uncomfortable and may lead to chronic back pain. Many workers around the world sit for up to 10 hours straight without taking adequate breaks. This article will discuss how to avoid back pain while seated at work. Always make sure you get up and stretch your legs every hour. The other thing to watch out for is to have the correct chair with proper lumbar support. The wrong chair can ruin your lower back. How To Avoid Back Pain While Seated At Work Are you sitting comfortably? No, chances are you’re not. And you would be forgiven for shifting even more uneasily in your seat if you read the results of various international studies on how sitting Read more…
Back Pain Relief Costs $100 Billion Per Year
May 24th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Did you know that back pain relief costs $100 billion dollars per year? And that is only the spending on back pain for the USA alone! What about for the rest of the world? It would be close to a trillion dollars. Absolutely staggering numbers. That is why we have to provide lots and lots of good information on this site for sufferers of back pain. Here is more information from the article from clinicaladvisor.com Back Pain Relief Costs $100 Billion Per Year A survey sponsored by the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, showed that from 1992 to 2006, chronic low back pain doubled in the state of North Carolina alone. Estimated healthcare-associated costs for this diagnosis Read more…
Center Of Gravity Causes Back Pain During Pregnancy
May 12th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Back pain during pregnancy occurs in 50-70% of women and is due to the changes in the center of gravity of a woman’s body as her stomach gets larger and shifts the weight in her body lower and forward. When this happens, there is more stress on the spine and muscles around the abdomen and back, and the extra weight and distribution of weight can cause severe back pain. Many women try massage and yoga to alleviate the pain, but because the center of gravity causes back pain during pregnancy, it is important for expectant mothers to understand why so as to have the best chance of alleviating the associated pain Center Of Gravity Causes Back Pain During Pregnancy During pregnancy, approximately 50-70 percent of women experience Read more…
Can High Heals Cause Back Pain
May 2nd, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Another one that makes sense, however it is not so commonly followed by women. Many women choose fashion over function when it comes to choosing the right footwear, and fail to ask themselves: can high heals cause back pain. A recent report says that it can cause arthritis and associated back pain. The bast advice seems to be not to wear high heels every day, and not to wear heels that are too high. Also, if you are going to wear heals, make sure they fit, and have reasonable support. Here is the report: Can High Heals Cause Back Pain A recent poll by the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists found that 25 percent of women who wear high heels every day are more likely Read more…
Modern Lifestyle Causes Back Pain
April 30th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
A recent study into back pain has found out that the number of young people who suffer from back pain today is much greater than the number of young people who suffered from it in the previous generation. From this, we may very well come to the conclusion that modern lifestyle causes back pain. So, there is more than one reason for back pain and you may be suffering badly due to your modern lifestyle. With packed schedules on weekdays, there is no time for you to relax. Stress keeps mounting within you, which results in diseases, illness, and physical and mental abnormalities. Work on your abdominal muscles to lose extra fat from that region of your body so that your posture remains correct. This will not Read more…
Questions To Ask For Back Pain Relief
April 29th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
The most important questions to ask for back pain relief are not always so obvious. What is the first question you would ask if you start getting back pain symptoms. The first question should be what is my doctor’s phone number? But how many people actually do that first? Not many. Most try and self diagnose and become the expert either by asking friends or people they know who have back problems. However there are many different back conditions out there, and what you have may be different to what they have. Here is an article by a prominent fitness advisor and Pilates expert in the UK, David Higgins, outlining the important questions you need to ask if you ever start experiencing back pain. Questions Read more…