Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief

May 5th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief   You may not be suffering from back pain right now; although you probably know someone who does. He or she may be a member of your family, amongst your circle of friends, or perhaps he or she is a work colleague. After a cold and flu, it is back pain that causes most of the absences from work.   The main causes of back pain are mostly due to  Read more...






Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief

April 30th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief

Yoga For Lower Back Pain Relief   People between the mid-thirties and mid-forties often complain of back pain, and they will often mention their suffering due to back pain. However, unless it is seriously disabling, most back pain goes away with correct and timely treatment. Yoga is an age old cure to back pain. Yoga helps to keep the body healthy.   Some of the common causes of mild back pain are caused by straining your  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Hinder Recovery

April 27th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Back Pain Relief Exercises Can Hinder Recovery   Exercise should make you feel better not worse. At one point or another you probably experienced doing the wrong exercise because instead of it doing your body good, you ended up with an injury. It is important that we exercise according to what our body needs and it is always best to consult an expert.   Don’t get fixated in the “no pain, no gain” principle because when there’s  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Exercises and Stretches

April 21st, 2012 Posted in Exercises

back pain relief exercises and stretches   Many of us experience back pains of all sorts and most of the time we fail to realize that one of the causes is our lack of exercise and movement. Most of us probably spend most of the day just sitting around and until we notice the discomfort or pain, we continue to do our sedentary habits. As they say, a small leak could sink a ship and the  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches

April 18th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

back pain relief exercises and stretches   Back pain relief exercises and stretches are the best way of avoiding back pain. Due to our modern lifestyle, we often have problems with pain in our body. Long driving hours, long hours in front of a computer at work and too much stress are just some of the causes of back pain. So, changing some of these habits and practicing exercises regularly is extremely important in getting relief  Read more...







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