The Pain Whisperer Tom Chi Can Help With Back Pain Relief

April 11th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief

the pain whisperer tom chi and back pain relief

  You have heard of the horse whisperer now get a load of the idea that the pain whisperer Tom Chi can help with back pain relief.  In this recent news story he discusses how Jeremy Lin (Basketball star with New York Knicks) has a 6 week injury to his knee, and how he thinks that his own method of esoteric Kung Fu Ninja treatment would work much better than the surgery that Lin is Booked in to have.   The “Pain Whisperer” claims to have carried out over 80,000 treatments and cured many people from severe injuries.   The obvious questions are:   1/ Does this really work?  and  2/ Can this work for my back injury?   Lets take a look what it’s all about:   The Pain   Read more…


Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting

April 11th, 2012 Posted in Lower back relief

Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting

  Sitting down for extended periods can cause severe lower back pain. If you are looking for some information on lower back pain relief while sitting, this recent article from Fox News gives some interesting insights into how to help ease your back pain if you spend long hours seated at your desk or inside your car.   The main points are that you should take regular breaks by getting up each hour and stretching your body. Walk around for a minute and get the blood flowing through your body and take the weight off your lower back and especially your intervertebral discs.   There is also discussion of the use of core strength exercises to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. Very sound advice indeed!      Lower Back   Read more…


Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain

April 11th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back

Common causes of lower back pain

  Let’s take step back and try and look at the most common causes of lower back pain and why it is such a problem in humans. The fact that almost 90% of people will suffer some type of back injury during their lifetime is a staggering statistic. Why is this so?   A recent article published in the United States by Chiropractor Mark Earnhart outlines the basic reasons why we get so much back pain – and it seems it comes down to the fact that humans are bipedal (walk on 2 legs instead of 4)   Our spines were not initially designed to bear so much weight on the lower part of the spine, and it is suggested that this is the main reason why humans experience so   Read more…


iPhone Technology For Back Pain Relief

April 10th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

iphone technology for back pain relief

  Here is an interesting story about a new back pain treatment that uses iPhone technology for back pain relief. It involves neurostimulators that control pain signals that are sent to the brain. The very same technology is used in iphones to control signals according to movement.   So far the success rate looks high – the users are claiming that 86% of people who have used it have experienced reduction in back pain.   I wonder if it has anything to do with the headaches that many people report while using mobile phone for long periods. Whatever the technology is, there must be something in it because there are definitely reported cases of cell phones causing a “hot” sensation near some users heads.   It makes sense if they   Read more…


Smoking Linked To Back Pain

April 9th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

back pain linked to smoking

  We all know that smoking is bad for you, but a doctor has actually found a connection with smoking linked to back pain. From the WQAD News, here is a recent article that highlights the impact smoking can have on lower back pain.  In particular, check out Dr Dolphin’s theory of what happens to cartilage as a result of smoking.   Read more on Dr Dolphin’s thoughts below (yep, that’s his real name).   If you have any opinions please feel free to make comments on Dr Dolphin’s views in the comments box below.      Smoking Linked To Back Pain   Millions of people suffer from back pain.  Among the common culprits: poor support while sleeping, carrying too much weight, and smoking.   Steve Vandemore lives a relatively   Read more…


General Information On Lower Back Pain

April 9th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  Here is some interesting general information on lower back pain by Dr Chad Patton from an article from the news site   It is a good overall snapshot of some facts and figures about lower back pain in the USA today. The fact that is quite interesting is that back pain is the 2nd most common reason why patients visit the doctor.   Astounding!   General Information On Lower Back Pain   Each year $90 billion is spent on the treatment of low back pain in the United States. As you read this article, 15 percent of the population is reporting low back pain.   Roughly 90 percent will have at least one episode of low back pain in their lifetime, and it is the second-most common reason   Read more…


DRX9000 For Lower Back Pain Relief

April 9th, 2012 Posted in Lower back relief

  Of the many new techniques for fixing your back, using the DRX9000 for lower back pain relief seems to have one of the highest success rates of any lower back pain treatments. It involves stretching out the vertebrae so that the discs between them re-align and find their natural position. This technique is used by chiropractors, including the founder of Advanced Spinal Rehab Inc Dr Larry Gies. In the article below, Dr Gies outlines why the DRX9000 machine has been so successful in treating lower back pain ailments. Compared to surgery where the success rate is around 30-40%, it is suggested that the success rate from using the DRX9000 is close to 90%.   With claims like that, this lower back pain relief technique is definitely one to investigate   Read more…


Best Exercises For Back Pain Relief

April 6th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  Here’s some information for those of you that DO try and do the best exercises for back pain relief but use the incorrect technique. Using the wrong method when exercising accounts for a substantial percentage of lower back pain injuries as a result of exercise.   Here are 7 simple tips that can save you a lot of pain if you follow the instructions. We can make an existing injury worse by continuing to do exercise using the wrong technique. You think they are helping, but are in fact making the injury worse and the recovery from injury more difficult.   Always consult your local GP or back pain specialist before attempting new exercise regimens.     Best Exercises For Back Pain Relief   If you often wonder about   Read more…


How To Get Back Pain Treatment

April 5th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  So it looks like around 66% of you are doing nothing about getting back pain treatment. The problem may be that you don’t know where to turn to or how to get back pain treatment. There would also be a substantial percentage of people who are afraid of finding out what’s wrong, as well as some who just can’t be bothered.   According to a recent survey by the American Physical Therapy Association, there are hundreds of thousands of back pain sufferers out there that just do nothing about their back pain. This is an incredible statistic, and suggests that the issue of back pain in America (and around the world) is severely underestimated.   If you are one of those people who find it difficult to do anything about   Read more…


Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief And Fitness

April 5th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  If you are considering doing exercise for lower back pain relief and fitness, keep in mind that you should be aiming to kill two birds with one stone. Each helps the other. If you have a bad back it is likely you are not fit enough in the first place, and that your core muscles don’t provide enough support for your spine. If you think about healing your back AS WELL as getting fit in general by strengthening your body, it is likely you will experience an overall improvement in general health AS WELL as fixing your back.   Try and think of it as getting your body, mind and back fit all at the same time.  Your lifestyle often dictates the physical injuries you get – so a   Read more…
