Back Pain Relief Gallup Poll

July 12th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

  According to the surveys conducted on Americans from the age of 18, by Gallup Healthways Well Being Index, it is observed that about one third of those in their mid-50s experience chronic back pain, and out of every five adults between the age of 40 and 80 develop back pain at some time during their life.   It has been revealed through the latest back pain relief Gallup poll that in 2011, 31% of Americans have experienced back and neck pain. The index also informed that 26% suffered from knee and leg pain, and 18% due to other causes for recurring pain. About 47% of Americans suffer from any one of the chronic causes of back pain while 7% have been found to acquire all three types of chronic   Read more…


Back Pain Relief Elusive For Most Patients

July 12th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

  There has been a significant increase in the number of Americans who suffer from back pain. Back pain is also a major reason for absence of employees, which is a big concern to employers. More people are spending their money trying to find the most effective treatment in order to cure their back pain. However, research shows that most people are wasting their money and not finding effective relief from back pain. The common trend is that back pain relief is elusive for most patients. Most patients are actually not expecting the results to be so poor despite spending so much money on trying to alleviate the problem. Most patients who have received treatment for the first time tend to get back pain again within six months.       Read more…


The Best Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches

July 11th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Before beginning an exercise regime for strengthening and finding relief for back pain one must consult a spine specialist to check for abnormalities. On the doctor’s approval you should start doing moderate levels of exercise and stop if and when in pain, it is also helpful to hire a trainer who is well versed in working with people having problems like muscular imbalances and back aches.   The exercises have to work on three levels promoting cardiovascular benefits, muscle strengthening and stretching to aid and build flexibility for a free range of motion.   Cardio vascular exercise: It is good to walk, swim or bike ride at a moderate speed for about 20-30 minutes, for 3-5 times a week. Alternating this with a good strength training regime is also   Read more…


Workers Stand Up For Back Pain Relief In The Workplace

July 11th, 2012 Posted in Prevention

  Back pain is one of the primary causes of absence from work. Commonly back pain is caused by strains associated with poor manual handling of objects at work or lengthy periods of activity that an employee is not normally accustomed to. For employees who have more sedentary tasks, such as computer or desk work, there is a tendency for these employees to take fewer breaks and to exercise less. Both of these factors can cause serious long-term back problems. A revolutionary thought has meant that workers stand up for back pain relief in the workplace.     Workers Stand Up For Back Pain Relief In The Workplace   At workplaces across the country, more and more employees are standing while working, or exercising while working. Two Boston-area companies say the trend is paying   Read more…


The Best Mattress For Back Pain Relief

July 10th, 2012 Posted in Products

  While choosing a mattress, it is very important to learn whether the mattress will evenly distribute the body weight and relax the pressure points of your body while you are asleep. You will also need to know whether your body remains in alignment while you sleep on the mattress. The misalignment of your body may also be due to incorrect sleeping positions. In the end, you should invest in a good medium-firm mattress to help your back. The mattress should be flipped over occasionally to ensure that there is an even distribution of the wear of the mattress. If you ignore purchasing a good mattress to sleep on, then be ready to invest in increased medical expenses because in a few months you will get neck and back pain.   Read more…


Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles For Back Pain Relief

July 10th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  The pelvic floor muscle in a woman’s body is a crucial muscle as the pelvis is stabilized by this muscle. The bladder and uterus are supported by these muscles so that it is an important muscle in childbirth. When we talk about strengthening these muscles, we talk about a muscle group that is comprised of pelvic floor muscles and abdominal and back muscles, too.That is why health professionals often try and get women to strengthen pelvic floor muscles for back pain relief. This can help with relief from other health problems as well.   Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles For Back Pain Relief   TELL me what makes a man, crooned Westlife. But Bioinfinity asked, “What makes a woman?” And the answer, they say, lies within the pelvic floor muscles.   Read more…


Painkillers For Back Pain Relief Being Overused

July 9th, 2012 Posted in Medication

  Lobby groups, health bodies, and doctors have observed that painkillers for back pain relief being overused is a huge problem for people with back pain. All of them have recommended stringent measures to control the use of painkillers. Physicians have been found to prescribe over the recommended dosage of painkillers, especially those widely known as opioids, which are strong medicines and have not been analysed for their long-term effect. General observations show that these type of painkillers are being used randomly on prescriptions from physicians. Even renowned clinics have been found to use the harmful painkillers, and their misuse may sometimes be fatal.   Medical professionals have long been concerned about the risks involved in the use of painkillers, such as Oxycontin, especially when they are being overused. Potential   Read more…


Stretches to Help with Lower Back Pain Relief

July 9th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  If you are interested in learning about stretches to help with lower back pain relief, then you must have experienced lower back pain at some point in time. Although, lower back pain is not as serious as it appears it can be quite a nuisance when going on with your daily activities in life. Simple things like applying ice packs can reduce pain and then, when you begin to feel normal, you must begin with some kind of moderate exercise when your doctor informs you that your pain is a result of inactivity and stiffness.   Stretches help relax the muscles and promote flexibility in the lower back. The following stretches would help:   Standing Hip Flexors: stand up straight lift one leg backwards with the toe pointing toward   Read more…


Acupuncture For Back Pain Relief

July 8th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy used for medical purposes and it is relatively new as a stream in the modern medical field and yet to gain credibility in the field of treating back pain.   Acupuncture in its original form was never meant for treating pain but ironically it has gained popularity with people looking for alternate methods to eradicate pain without the use of medicine.     Acupuncture for back pain relief is recommended by many people who have used it for pain like pain in the neck, back and arthritis. Most people assume that alternate methods of therapy that don’t involve taking medicine or having surgery is relatively safer and its potential to do harm would be more negligible than regular medical treatments. It is also   Read more…


Stretches For Back Pain Relief And Prevention

July 7th, 2012 Posted in Prevention

  Chiropractic rehabilitation centers in Seattle have advised on some measures to prevent back pain during the upcoming sporting season, especially throughout the long and rainy winter season. In fact, many players are far below being well prepared to play in spite of the physical workouts that have been carried out throughout the year.   Preventive measures like stretches for back pain relief and prevention may well avoid visits to a chiropractic center during the summer, assuming you have followed the basic guidelines relating to injuries sustained during season. If you had not been following up on your exercise and diet during the winter, chances are you may sustain a back injury while playing because of the extra weight added during the winter months. The physical stress may cost you   Read more…
