Back Pain Treatment
September 15th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
There are many kinds of back pain treatment available to patients. The pain can often vary in intensity and type. That is why the treatment can vary from patient to patient. If the pain is only minimal it often goes away on its own with no treatment at all. But if you want to get some temporary relief, then you can take over-the-counter medication like paracetamol, ibuprofen or similar drugs. However, there are many instances where these medicines do not help. It is then that you should go to a medical practitioner for alternative treatment. If your back feels stiff or hard then a hot pack or a cold pack may help you get some relief but you should, of course, also seek medical advice. Hot Read more…
Stretches For Lower Back Pain
September 14th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
There are many causes of back pain. However, it results mostly when there is imbalance in your back muscles. It also results from the modern lifestyle of sitting around a lot and driving long distances. This kind of lifestyle can lead to weight gain which in turn can lead to bad posture as your body has to shift in order to counteract the extra weight. Incorrect posture can lead to pain in the back. Here is a wonderfully informative video from fitness expert and college basketball coach Scott Thom. He demonstrates his top 5 back stretches of all time. If you are involved in sports then it may be that you are working with certain parts of your body and neglecting your back. In Read more…
Review Of Muscle Relaxants For Chronic Back Pain Relief
September 13th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Neurologists have observed through review of muscle relaxants for chronic back pain relief that the use of Cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant, may have harmful side effects that cause cardiac problems and sedation. This medicine had failed in the scientific tests for being used as an antidepressant, but it was subsequently used as a muscle relaxant. Another drug named Carisoprodol was banned by the European Medicines Agency for the emotional and physical dependence of the users taking it. Doctors have been advised not to prescribe Carisoprodol as it has been found to be a sedative hypnotic agent and subject to misuse by many. There are older types of medication in the form of Methocarbamol, also known as Robaxin, and Mataxalone, also known as Skelaxin. Although they have been found Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief Products
September 12th, 2012 Posted in Products
Back pain can be very depressing and may affect every area of your life, including your work, your social life and your personal life. When pain appears regularly, you may feel a tingling in your muscles, or a numbness, when this pain occurs take it seriously and do not ignore it as it may develop into something acute and chronic. Many lower back pain relief products are available on the market that can help you get relief. The first product to look at is the back brace. This brace is soft and flexible so that you can bend it and wear it around your body underneath your clothes. The back brace supports your back muscles so that they can relax. This way the stress is taken Read more…
Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain Relief
September 11th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Acupuncture is a method of treatment that has proven to help cure many diseases. Acupuncture for lower back pain relief is also very popular and chronic back pain is treatable to some extent by acupuncture. Research shows that this treatment provides short term relief for back pain. Research also shows that patients suffering from this ailment feel faster improvement with acupuncture treatment than with any other treatment available. So, it is often found that when traditional and conventional treatments do not work, acupuncture can be applied to get better results. In acupuncture therapy, needles that are very thin are pierced through some points of the body. Chinese medicine and history says that the number of these piercing points is about two thousand. They are internally connected Read more…
Cox Flexion Distraction Manipulation Back Pain Treatment
September 11th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Patients suffering from back pain often try to find alternative treatmentsor rely on pain relievers because they want to avoid surgery for fear of its complications. For these patients, the good news is that Chiropractors can use Cox flexion distraction manipulation back pain treatment.This technique is used to manipulatethe spinal cord for the relief of lower back pain. It is also effective in managing any pain found in the neck, legs, and arms. This technique is used to treat serious conditions,such as a slipped disc, back pain related to pregnancy,pain related to any post-operative complications as an alternative treatment to regular surgery and medication. The treatment has proved to be effective for patients suffering from back pain. Manipulation for back pain allows patients to return totheir normal daily Read more…
How To Get Relief From Back Pain
September 10th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
You might have been suffering from back pain for quite some time now and you haven’t found any permanent relief. You may have also spent a lot of money trying to find a treatment for this ailment. This happens to a lot of people, with more than eighty percent of the population suffering from this ailment every year. Many people find that they are not able to carry on with their daily life normally and can often slip into depression as a result. There may be a number of reasons that are the cause of the ailment. One main reason people suffer from long term back pain is when they are not properly educated about the condition. If you know more about it, you might be Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches
September 9th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
A person suffering from back pain may spend a lot of money on its treatment, trying to get some relief from the pain. They may have sought advice from a doctor and the pain might have been relieved for a short while. Then, for no reason, it may have relapsed. Then the patient might have tried a different form of treatment available from chiropractors. This may not have worked either. Then they may have tried to go to a physiotherapist for some relief. However, the same pain still comes back again and again. This may have happened to you. When you have tried everything available but still the pain keeps returning, it is a good idea to get more educated about the ailment and try to improve things yourself Read more…
Back Pain Relief Machine
September 9th, 2012 Posted in Products
Back pain is mostly caused by the malfunction of muscles in the spine. These muscles have either become weak or are not coordinated anymore. This can also happen due to the weakening of these muscles after a surgery. The healing method will require that these muscles are strengthened and coordinated up to a certain point so that the pain does not reappear. The most popular machine which provides back pain relief is an inversion table. An inversion table is a piece of equipment which turns the patient upside down. This provides pain relief by using gravity to realign the muscles and joints in the back. People with health problems should seek medical advice before using the table. Watch as back pain expert Jesse Cannone talks about Read more…
Exercises For Back Pain Relief
September 8th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
When you suffer from back pain, it is very important that you carry on with your normal life and activities. Exercising is a very important part of your daily life. More than half the population of the US suffer from this ailment and it may occur at any point in their lives. For some people, it usually goes away in around three months. But others suffer from it so regularly that it disrupts their daily activities and normal routine. That is why, for everyone who suffers from this pain, exercises for back pain relief also help to maintain their fitness. If you feel a sharp, shooting pain then you should seek medical advice before exercising. If you have any type of back pain – then it is also Read more…