Back Pain Relief With Therapeutic Clothing
September 25th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
With back pain becoming more and more common among people, innovative ways of tackling the problem are coming to light. One such way is providing back pain relief with therapeutic clothing in which polyester clothing in the form of bands will gently pull the shoulders back to regain normal posture. Slouching is a cause of back pain, and that is why keeping a proper posture and doing regular stretching exercises help in providing relief to back pain. Shirts with electronic sensors have entered the market, which gives out a signal as soon as the person wearing it begins to bend forward. Observers and doctors have reposed faith in this type of clothing, but has opined that it is a temporary form of relief to back pain. Regular exercise along Read more…
Home Remedies For Back Pain
September 7th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
The suffering from back pain is not only reserved for the elderly but occurs in people of all ages, young or old. This is mainly due to the modern lifestyle and the changes in our lifestyle due to many scientific inventions and technology. Advances in science have made our life easier but along with this, science has brought side effects like back ache. We all know that the weight we carry around on our body is borne by our back. That is why people who are overweight tend to get this problem quite easily, as the excess weight of their body causes extra stress on the lower back. There are of course other various reasons for a person to suffer from this ailment. There are Read more…
Back Pain Relief At Home
September 6th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Back pain is a very common ailment that people suffer from all over the world. Many sufferers would be relieved to find out that unless the pain persists for more than a few weeks most of the pain will go away on its own without needing any treatment. People can often relieve their back pain by themselves at home with basic methods, and the pain will disappear without them seeking medical help. This self-care guide offers ideas for back pain relief at home. There is a false belief which suggests that if you move when you have back pain, it will make the pain worse. Some people even think that if you stay lying down whenever the pain occurs, it helps. Nowadays, these beliefs Read more…
Pregnancy Back Pain Relief
August 31st, 2012 Posted in Prevention
It doesn’t really come as a surprise to a pregnant woman when she gets back pain during her pregnancy as many women complain of this discomfort. However, there are methods to help reduce the pain. There are ways in which a women can get pregnancy back pain relief during this period of time so that she can stay healthy and enjoy her pregnancy. Back pain is very common during pregnancy because you gain a lot of weight and your posture becomes shifted into an incorrect pose which can cause discomfort. Therefore, practicing correct posture is the key to getting relief from this kind of pain. So, when you stand up, try to keep your body straight and tall. Your chest should be held high while stopping Read more…
Back Pain Remedies While Driving Or Sitting
August 20th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
People who suffer from back pain need to review their sitting and driving habits because this either instigates the backache or aggravates an already existing one. Now the question in your mind may be – How is sitting and driving harmful to one’s posture? Now, if you think about it an average person could be driving for an hour or two a day and lead a sedentary working life which involves sitting for hours in an office which could put extra load on that spine. If you look at the working of the spine you notice it has a slight curve and when we sit or drive that natural curve is lost and it puts a great amount of pressure on the discs of the spine. To Read more…
Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Back Pain At Home
August 8th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Back pains when it starts all of a sudden can be very annoying yet most people endure it on a daily basis. Here are some easy tips to get rid of back pain at home. Stop slouching – while you sit or do anything always avoid slouching as this can spark off one back pain episode. Maintain good posture – walk straight and tall with shoulders rolled down back relaxed and neck straight. Think of your head as being attached by a string to the ceiling. Sit upright – whether watching television or reading or working at a computer always ensure to keep your back straight and well aligned. Stop being a couch potato – get up and go outdoors do not while away doing Read more…
Back Pain From Arthritis
August 7th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Musculoskeletal disorders can occur suddenly and develop into chronic problems resulting in impairment and disability. The problems increase with age. Back pain from Arthritis is caused by musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis, gout, fibromyalgia, and chronic back pain. While osteoarthritis is associated with pain in the knees, hips, hands, and causes swelling and stiffness of the joints, the joints are not affected in the same way as rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be administered for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The deformity of the joints and limited motion are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, which is a destructive disease often causing permanent disability. Strong medication is required for treatment of this disease. Here, we look at the news article on back pain caused by arthritis. Read more…
iPhone App For Correct Posture While Sitting
July 30th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Perfect posture while undertaking desk work is important to prevent back pain. Physical therapists suggest that correct posture and awareness is critical for the prevention of lower back pain. A solution to that effect has been found by a team, which involves the use of technology for correcting posture through their mobile device. LumoBack is an iPhone App for correct posture while sitting that can help millions of Americans benefit through proper posture to prevent low back pain. LumoBack is a device in which a sensor patch is worn at the waist or lower back, and is connected to a cordless iPhone 4S or iPhone 3, which will produce a vibration when slouching. It can also analyze the trend of recovery and can even produce results within a week Read more…
Tips For Chronic Back Pain Relief
July 29th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
To take control of pain that is continuous in nature, following some tips for chronic back pain relief may produce effective results. Light exercise and the application of heat will do well while exercise along with the application of ice on the swollen joints will act as a natural anesthetic while increasing the blood flow. Topical pain relievers are also effective for arresting the pain according to this news item below. Tips For Chronic Back Pain Relief If you’ve got pain that won’t quit, you can take the upper hand with these four steps: No. 1: Hot and cold plus exercise: Physical activity may be the last thing you want to do when something hurts. But for soft tissue problems that trigger lower-back pain, for example, Read more…
Modern Lifestyle Causes Back Pain
July 18th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
A recent study into back pain has found out that the number of young people who suffer from back pain today is much greater than the number of young people who suffered from it in the previous generation. From this research, the question has to be asked if today’s modern lifestyle causes back pain. One of the main reasons is likely to be related to computers and game consoles. Hunching over computer tables and bending forward for long periods of time with games consoles could be doing all the damage. Modern society is not in contact with nature as much as the previous generation. Walking all the time on hard pavements rather than the soft grass and soil not only causes back pain, but it is one of Read more…