Back Pain Relief While Sitting
June 5th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Sitting for prolonged periods of time during the day is one of the major factors that can result in back pain, which has been observed by a scientific body after extensive research into the inactivity of people who spend most of their time sitting. Excessive sitting, called the sitting disease, can lead to a number of health problems including indigestion, a rise in cholesterol level, and may even result in colon or breast cancer. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, blood clots, and neck and back problems are other physical complications, which may arise due to sitting for excessive periods. “Sleep apnea” is caused a Triglycerides due to improper metabolic function, and a host of other complications are associated with long periods of sitting. Unique solutions for back pain relief while Read more…
Mothers Need Back Pain Relief
June 4th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Motherhood is the most exciting period of any woman’s life. However, with motherhood come various challenges, including the stress of managing the family, children, and home together. A mom’s job is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs. It is said that mothers below 30 are less likely to be physically unfit compared to mothers over 30 years of age. However, when it comes to back pain, it may set in for mothers of any age. Seeking relief is just as important to reduce its impact on bringing up a family – so don’t forget that most mothers need back pain relief too! And not just on mothers’ day. Mothers Need Back Pain Relief While most people would agree that being a mom is hard work, new Read more…
Back Pain Relief
May 28th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Advancement in medical science has opened up many options for back pain relief, which include using medication and alternative medicine therapies. While some have proved to be very effective in reducing back and neck pain to a considerable extent, other uses are still debatable. Here are some effective ways to get relief from back pain whether they are insignificant or become chronic. • The first option is to use antidepressant and anti-inflammatory drugs for reducing the inflammation and pain. Medicines belonging to the NSAID group have been found to be effective while use of muscle relaxants helps in reducing muscle spasms. Use of Opioids are also beneficial for the relief of neck and back pain. Steroids are often used where the pain has become chronic. Corticosteroids have also Read more…
Back Pain Relief And Prevention Tips For Gardening
May 27th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
The main muscles that are put into use during gardening are the muscles of the back, shoulders, legs, thighs, and wrists. Lower back pain is one of many pains that one may acquire during gardening activity. As the lower back muscles support the whole body, it is very common to suffer from lower back pain after any physical activity. Gardening also involves bending and twisting actions. However, there are precautions that can help with back pain relief and prevention tips for gardening. Following some simple tips can make this activity an enjoyable one that is free of injury. Try to maintain the curve of spine in a natural way and avoid over stretching by keeping objects and gardening tools within your range, use a gardening stool for weeding, Read more…
Back Pain Relief While Commuting
May 24th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
When we get too busy with so many things, we tend to disregard our body’s need to rest, to eat, and believe it or not, to get the right kind of support in terms of the equipment and machines we use. Another thing is that when we’re too busy and too engrossed with what we’re doing, we only stop and care to observe our body when we already feel pain. The same thing happens especially when we travel, not to mention the everyday commute. For most people that commute everyday, they hardly recognize that the pain they feel is because of the stress commuting causes to the body. More often than not, this activity causes back pain and it’s not surprising because we don’t get to be comfortably Read more…
Back Pain Relief Tips
May 11th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
We are always inundated with tips and secrets for getting rid of any pain we might be experiencing in our bodies. When it comes to back pain relief tips, everyone is an armchair expert. The key is listening to the RIGHT advice, and not so called secrets from people who are not qualified health specialists and give out advice willy nilly as if they have done 10 years of study on the subject. Often listening to the wrong advice can get you into more trouble. Sounds silly, but it is a very common occurence. This article was put together by Dr Salim M Hayek, associated professor of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University. He is the type of qualified medical professional that Read more…
Best Sleeping Position For Lower Back Pain Relief
May 10th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Sleeping in the right position at night without any interruptions is what doctors recommend in order to prevent back pain. Doctors advise a minimum of 8 hours of sleep to keep the immune system within the body active. Here is some advice from doctors on sleeping in the right posture. While using a pillow, you should ensure that the cervical curve remains with the head and neck at the same level. The pillow should be such that it would keep the position of the neck in a neutral position. Tempurpedic pillows are advised by doctors for keeping your head and neck comfortably supported and provides for the best sleeping position for lower back pain relief. Mattresses should not be too softk as you need the full support Read more…
Marijuana For Back Pain Relief
May 8th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Some illegal drugs, such as marijuana, are often said to be a relief for chronic pain. That is why it has put doctors in a confusing state. It has actually been shown that such drugs can have positive effects on relieving back pain. But owing to their negative effects, such as addiction, health and life risks, then use of this drug is still banned. In most countries, the use of marijuana or cannabis is illegal. A very common problem that people seek marijuana for is some kind of body pain including back pain, loss of sleep, and stress accompanied by anxiety. Americans use marijuana for back pain relief and other medical reasons. Most of them often replace a drug that was prescribed with marijuana because of Read more…
How Can Chiropractors Help With Lower Back Pain Relief
May 7th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
If you are wondering whether to try using a chiropractor to relieve your back ailments, the first question you will ask is: How can chiropractors help with lower back pain relief ? A recent article from fox news outlines some good reasons for giving chiropractic treatment a shot. Many people use chiropractic and believe it works wonders – so it is worth examining. How Can Chiropractors Help With Lower Back Pain Relief Effectiveness The research about chiropractic care is growing. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, recent studies show that spinal manipulative therapy performed by a chiropractor, along with exercise, relieve neck pain more effectively than medication. Furthermore, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that an integrated approach to health Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
May 7th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Scientists are constantly researching treatments to cure back pain. Lower back pain relief with hyperbaric oxygen therapy is one such treatment that has been invented that is being closely monitored by researchers. This therapy involves breathing oxygen at a greater pressure than the oxygen available in the atmosphere. When the patient breathes oxygen that is pressurized, it gets into the bloodstream to be quickly distributed all over the body by the circulatory system. This intake of oxygen is about fourteen times more than what we normally take in through normal breathing. Here are more details about the treatment which is supposed to speed up recovery times. Lower Back Pain Relief With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy The most frequently used medications, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesic drugs (e.g., morphine, Read more…