Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches

April 18th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

back pain relief exercises and stretches   Back pain relief exercises and stretches are the best way of avoiding back pain. Due to our modern lifestyle, we often have problems with pain in our body. Long driving hours, long hours in front of a computer at work and too much stress are just some of the causes of back pain. So, changing some of these habits and practicing exercises regularly is extremely important in getting relief  Read more...






How To Get Lower Back Pain Relief

April 15th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

how to get lower back pain relief   Your lower back is a combination of many bones and elements that are interconnected and overlapped. Doctors understand the complexity of the interplay of these bones and tissues. Usually the first we know about problems is when we receive pain in lower back.   There are many reasons for lower back pain. Some of them are mainly caused by poor posture due to excess body weight, physical strain of  Read more...






Exercise Tips For Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting At Your Computer

April 13th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Back Pain Relief While Sitting At Your Computer   For those of you that sit at your computer for hours on end – here are some exercise tips for lower back pain relief while sitting at your computer.   Often we sit for hours working away without even knowing how much time has actually passed – and the dangerous thing is that we may be stuck in the same awkward position for all that time. The most important  Read more...






Core Strengthening Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief

April 13th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

core strengthening exercises for lower back pain relief   We found this AWESOME video which demonstrates in detail some fantastic core strengthening exercises for lower back pain relief. It is by Rener Gracie, a jiu jitsu expert.   He sustained a very bad L5 S1 herniated disc injury when he was younger and could not train in Jiu Jitsu for 10 months – he had lower back surgery and afterwards he had to strengthen his core and muscles  Read more...






Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief And Fitness

April 5th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  If you are considering doing exercise for lower back pain relief and fitness, keep in mind that you should be aiming to kill two birds with one stone. Each helps the other. If you have a bad back it is likely you are not fit enough in the first place, and that your core muscles don’t provide enough support for your spine. If you think about healing your back  Read more...







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