Regenokine for Back Pain Relief
April 23rd, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
Regenokine is a new treatment to relieve back pain, osteoarthritis, pain in joints, and sometimes stiff muscles and tissues. This is a kind of therapy that needs no surgery. The science of this treatment is that it makes use of the body’s healing power and components that are naturally produced by the body to get rid of the pain. This treatment also corrects all the problems affecting your mobility due to back pain. Regenokine is a treatment that lessens the inflammation occurring in the joints that makes normal everyday tasks difficult and life for sufferers miserable. That is why Regenokine for back pain relief is a solution that patients suffering from back pain can opt for. As another new option to try instead of surgery, it is Read more…
Mesoblast Stem Cell Treatment For Disc Repair Back Pain Relief
April 23rd, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Today, the only option for patients suffering from chronic, progressive, or severe pain due to degenerating intervertebral discs is a major back surgery which most patients do not want to undergo. One reason is that it is very expensive and getting rid of the pain forever is not a guarantee. There have been people who have undergone major back surgeries and still experience pain. Mesoblast stem cell treatment for disc repair back pain relief, which is a non-surgical procedure, is an interesting back pain relief treatment which should be looked into. This is a great option especially for patients who do not want to undergo a major back pain surgery. Mesoblast Stem Cell Treatment For Disc Repair Back Pain Relief Global regenerative medicine company Mesoblast Limited Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches
April 22nd, 2012 Posted in ExercisesHere is a fantastic video from Brad Scott at It is a really good 5 minute demonstration of yoga techniques that can help strengthen your core. These lower back pain relief stretches are easy to do and are shown very clearly – you can do them at home – but the trick is to do them consistently, and for at least a week before you see results. The cat and cow yoga move is especially a good stretch for your lower back Lower Back Pain Relief Stretches If you can do these lower back pain relief stretches for 5 minutes each day for at least a week , you should start feeling stronger in your core and lower back. if Read more…
Back Pain Relief Exercises and Stretches
April 21st, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Many of us experience back pains of all sorts and most of the time we fail to realize that one of the causes is our lack of exercise and movement. Most of us probably spend most of the day just sitting around and until we notice the discomfort or pain, we continue to do our sedentary habits. As they say, a small leak could sink a ship and the same goes with our bodies – a minor back injury for example may lead to a more serious problem. To avoid and prevent such injury, some of us opt to take food supplements and vitamins but we fail to exercise. Remember, our bodies need to move around to function well both externally and internally. The good news is that Read more…
Weight Loss For Back Pain Relief
April 20th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Did you know that our weight has a lot to do with our overall wellness as well as some of the pain in various parts of our bodies? For people who experience back pain, one of the factors being looked into is their weight and the more they gain, the more pain they experience. And so, one of the most effective ways to get back pain relief is by losing weight and keeping a healthy body and lifestyle. If you undertake a regime of weight loss for back pain relief, you can help your back pain and you won’t be as much at risk with heart problems and other serious complications. You wouldn’t want to be obese and live a difficult and heavy life, would you? The following Read more…
Immediate Treatment After Injury For Back Pain Relief
April 20th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Have you experienced falling on your back and heard it “pop”? You might have gotten it from an intense physical activity or perhaps an accident and if not attended to properly, it might just lead to a critical back injury. In this case immediate treatment after injury for back pain relief must be carefully observed and considered. Whether we like it or not, we age and so does our body which is why we need to be more careful. But what would you do if you did hurt or injure your back? You will certainly need immediate back pain treatment. The kind of immediate treatment depends on the kind of injury and the level of pain felt and self-medication or treatment may actually be done. Immediate Treatment After Read more…
Etanercept For Back Pain Relief
April 20th, 2012 Posted in Medication
As much as possible, each of us would want to live a comfortable and happy life but pain is inevitable. It can be emotional or psychological but more often than not, we experience physical pain. One of the common physical pains one experiences is back pain and back pain relief is often sought by people who have back problems. Studies and research are continuously done to find the best back pain treatment. These studies of course are done to look at different options as to how we can best deal with the pain that back injuries or problems cause. There have been recent studies and developments and one of the options researchers may look into is etanercept for back pain relief. Read on to learn more about Read more…
AdaptiveStim Back Pain Relief
April 19th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
AdaptiveStim back pain relief is a system of neurostimulation that is used to treat patients that experience chronic back pain or leg pain. It is a revolution in treating chronic back pain. This system of treatment is mainly based on the technology of sensor of motion. The technology of sensor motion is regularly used in smart phones and computer games. AdaptiveStim automatically recognizes and remembers the relationship between change in posture and position of the body, and the quantity of stimulation that is needed for a particular patient using this treatment. Many of the patients have experienced relief from back pain that was not effectively eliminated by other treatments available. So, AdaptiveStim back pain relief is something to look forward to for those suffering from chronic back pain. Read more…
Alternative Back Pain Relief Methods: Chiropractic and Acupuncture
April 18th, 2012 Posted in Treatment
Most of us suffer from back pain at some stage of our lives, either at a young age or later on in life for some people. Different people choose different treatments for the relief of their back pain. Some people just take painkillers that are available over the counter and others may opt for a surgery. But none of these treatments are perfect, with some only providing temporary relief. There are also two other alternative back pain relief methods: chiropractic and acupuncture. Acupuncturists will first try to locate the points of pain and put needles on that point to release that particular muscle to relieve the pain. Chiropractors mainly concentrate on adjusting the vertebrae, massaging the tissue and stimulating the nervous system. This recent article discusses in detail Read more…
Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy
April 18th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
Back pain and pregnancy often go hand in hand but even though it is common, there are various options for back pain relief during pregnancy. In severe cases, back pain needs a lot of attention. Correct posture is a very important factor in relieving back pain during pregnancy. Even mild daily physical activity is required for pregnant women to get relief from back pain. Your gynaecologist may prescribe medications for you if the pain is severe. Lower back pain can be experienced by pregnant women when undertaking too much physical work and straining muscles. Pelvic pain is also quite common during pregnancy. So, try staying away from physical strain and try moving around and changing your posture from time to time to relieve yourself from back pain. Read more…