Back Pain Relief And Prevention Tips For Gardening

May 27th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening   The main muscles that are put into use during gardening are the muscles of the back, shoulders, legs, thighs, and wrists. Lower back pain is one of many pains that one may acquire during gardening activity. As the lower back muscles support the whole body, it is very common to suffer from lower back pain after any physical activity. Gardening also involves bending and twisting actions. However, there are  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches

May 26th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches   Doctors have opined that most of us will suffer from back pain at some time during our lives. While some gets on with it and lead a normal life, others may become immobile or partially disabled, becoming unable to carry out their normal activities. Doctors have advised not to ignore the pain in the back during the initial stages as it is a warning in advance of more serious  Read more...






Back Pain Relief While Commuting

May 24th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

commuting often leads to back pain   When we get too busy with so many things, we tend to disregard our body’s need to rest, to eat, and believe it or not, to get the right kind of support in terms of the equipment and machines we use. Another thing is that when we’re too busy and too engrossed with what we’re doing, we only stop and care to observe our body when we already feel  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Costs $100 Billion Per Year

May 24th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back

back pain costing $100 Billion each year   Did you know that back pain relief costs $100 billion dollars per year?  And that is only the spending on back pain for the USA alone! What about for the rest of the world? It would be close to a trillion dollars. Absolutely staggering numbers. That is why we have to provide lots and lots of good information on this site for sufferers of back pain. Here is more  Read more...






Neurostimulator Therapy For Back Pain Relief

May 15th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

Neurostimulator Therapy For Back Pain Relief Has Helped Some Back Pain Patients   The treatment that your doctor may suggest for your back pain may relate to effectively use a neurostimulator, which is an alternative treatment for relieving back pain. This device is actually implanted in your body to make you get back to normal life by relieving your back pain. This therapy means you need less medication than before; therefore, making you able to get on with your life. Neurostimulator therapy  Read more...






Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Back Pain Treatment

May 13th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Back Pain Treatment   Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy – also known as PRP or prolotherapy is a new cutting edge technique to fix lower back pain. It is has been gaining momentum in recent years with doctors and physiotherapists who have been recording fantastic results with this type of treatment.   Platelet rich plasma therapy back pain treatment is where the patient is injected with platelets from blood into the injury site, and  Read more...






Back Pain Relief Tips

May 11th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

back pain relief tips   We are always inundated with tips and secrets for getting rid of any pain we might be experiencing in our bodies. When it comes to back pain relief tips, everyone is an armchair expert. The key is listening to the RIGHT advice, and not so called secrets from people who are not qualified health specialists and give out advice willy nilly as if they have done 10 years of  Read more...






How Does Acupuncture Work To Relieve Pain

May 10th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

How Does Acupuncture Work To Relieve Pain?   This article is from the Orange County Register, and the writer Jane Glenn Haas has interviewed Edward Lamadrid, a Spanish-heritage doctor of acupuncture and founder of Integrative Health Studio in Chicago.   The writer talks about his positive experience with acupuncture, and has a Q & A session talking about acupuncture, and how it works.   If you have been wondering how does acupuncture work to relieve pain, then  Read more...






Best Sleeping Position For Lower Back Pain Relief

May 10th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

Find The Best Sleeping Position For Lower Back Pain Relief   Sleeping in the right position at night without any interruptions is what doctors recommend in order to prevent back pain. Doctors advise a minimum of 8 hours of sleep to keep the immune system within the body active. Here is some advice from doctors on sleeping in the right posture.   While using a pillow, you should ensure that the cervical curve remains with the head and neck at  Read more...






6 Inexpensive Back Pain Relief Products

May 9th, 2012 Posted in Products

6 Inexpensive Back Pain Relief Products     Most Osteopaths treating patients suffering from back pain have little faith in the products marketed for relieving back pain. This is due to the absence of scientific research, which leaves doubt about their efficacy. The basic things that you should do when feeling pain in your back is to rest from what you are doing, and then move your back slightly to prevent stiffness. Painkillers are also advised,  Read more...







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