Back Pain Relief Exercises and Stretches

April 21st, 2012 Posted in Exercises

back pain relief exercises and stretches   Many of us experience back pains of all sorts and most of the time we fail to realize that one of the causes is our lack of exercise and movement. Most of us probably spend most of the day just sitting around and until we notice the discomfort or pain, we continue to do our sedentary habits. As they say, a small leak could sink a ship and the  Read more...






Immediate Treatment After Injury For Back Pain Relief

April 20th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

Immediate Treatment After Injury For Back Pain Relief   Have you experienced falling on your back and heard it “pop”? You might have gotten it from an intense physical activity or perhaps an accident and if not attended to properly, it might just lead to a critical back injury. In this case immediate treatment after injury for back pain relief must be carefully observed and considered. Whether we like it or not, we age and so does our  Read more...






Etanercept For Back Pain Relief

April 20th, 2012 Posted in Medication

Etanercept For Back Pain Relief   As much as possible, each of us would want to live a comfortable and happy life but pain is inevitable. It can be emotional or psychological but more often than not, we experience physical pain. One of the common physical pains one experiences is back pain and back pain relief is often sought by people who have back problems.   Studies and research are continuously done to find the  Read more...






AdaptiveStim Back Pain Relief

April 19th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

AdaptiveStim Back Pain Relief   AdaptiveStim back pain relief is a system of neurostimulation that is used to treat patients that experience chronic back pain or leg pain. It is a revolution in treating chronic back pain. This system of treatment is mainly based on the technology of sensor of motion. The technology of sensor motion is regularly used in smart phones and computer games.   AdaptiveStim automatically recognizes and remembers the relationship between  Read more...






Botox For Back Pain Relief

April 17th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

Botox For Back Pain Relief   The drug Botox has been created from the toxin named botulinium. This toxin has been known to grow on food in such a way that it can kill someone eating it. Then, how is it possible that Botox for back pain relief is effective? When many of us suffer from back pain, and all of us are trying various forms of treatment, we should also know something about this  Read more...






Piriformis Syndrome: Back Pain Relief For Firefighters

April 14th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

Piriformis Syndrome: Back Pain Relief For Firefighters       Here is an interesting piece from John Hofman who is the strength and conditioning coach for the Sacramento (CA) Fire Department. He is an expert at piriformis syndrome back pain relief for firefighters.   This condition is an irritation of the sciatic nerve that causes referred pain into the buttocks – deep in the glute muscles. Firefighters typically get this condition as they are often working in  Read more...






The Pain Whisperer Tom Chi Can Help With Back Pain Relief

April 11th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief

the pain whisperer tom chi and back pain relief   You have heard of the horse whisperer now get a load of the idea that the pain whisperer Tom Chi can help with back pain relief.  In this recent news story he discusses how Jeremy Lin (Basketball star with New York Knicks) has a 6 week injury to his knee, and how he thinks that his own method of esoteric Kung Fu Ninja treatment would work much better than  Read more...






Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting

April 11th, 2012 Posted in Lower back relief

Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting   Sitting down for extended periods can cause severe lower back pain. If you are looking for some information on lower back pain relief while sitting, this recent article from Fox News gives some interesting insights into how to help ease your back pain if you spend long hours seated at your desk or inside your car.   The main points are that you should take regular breaks by getting  Read more...






iPhone Technology For Back Pain Relief

April 10th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

iphone technology for back pain relief   Here is an interesting story about a new back pain treatment that uses iPhone technology for back pain relief. It involves neurostimulators that control pain signals that are sent to the brain. The very same technology is used in iphones to control signals according to movement.   So far the success rate looks high – the users are claiming that 86% of people who have used it have experienced  Read more...






General Information On Lower Back Pain

April 9th, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  Here is some interesting general information on lower back pain by Dr Chad Patton from an article from the news site   It is a good overall snapshot of some facts and figures about lower back pain in the USA today. The fact that is quite interesting is that back pain is the 2nd most common reason why patients visit the doctor.   Astounding!   General Information On  Read more...







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