Chiropractor For Back Pain Relief While Running

July 6th, 2012 Posted in Prevention

  Chiropractors offer an alternative treatment for relief of back pain. They mainly work the nervous system related to spine and neck, and they look into the alignment of the spine and neck. Athletes might use a Chiropractor for back pain relief while running or for other sports injuries. Back pain is mainly caused due to the damage of the tissues and muscles because they often get misaligned due to bad posture.     Chiropractor For Back Pain Relief While Running After I ran my 14th half-marathon in Greer, S.C., in April 2010, I was getting burnt out. It was almost time for my wife to have our first baby, and my back was hurting. In addition, I was suffering from sciatica, a painful twinge down my right leg.     Read more…


Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening

July 6th, 2012 Posted in Lower back relief

  Gardening requires bending often, and this action is why your back can be strained, especially due to these movements of bending forward and twisting. So, if gardening is your favorite activity, and you do not want to stop it, then here are some back pain relief tips for gardening to keep your back relaxed and prevent yourself from getting back pain.   Activities such as raking, hoeing, trimming, weed whacking, mowing, digging, and shoveling are all part of gardening. Each activity can harm your back if done without care or thought as to how back pain prevention can be implemented.     Back Pain Relief Tips For Gardening   Some easy techniques will do wonders for your spine when you perform the following warm-weather tasks.   1. Raking and   Read more…


5 Simple Secrets For Back Pain Relief While Sitting

July 5th, 2012 Posted in Prevention

  Today, a large percentage of people suffer from back pain throughout the world. This is often due to our lifestyle choices and modern living. We often commute long distances, which require long periods of sitting and driving without a break, working in front of a computer for the whole day without taking a break or stretching our body from time to time, and other risks arise due to not exercising regularly, not eating a proper healthy diet, and the list goes on and on. This is of course makes back pain a lifestyle disorder. So, preventing back pain is easy. If you can follow a regular exercising routine, you will see improvements.   Many treatments are available for back pain relief, but back pain can often seem to recur   Read more…


Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief

July 5th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Back pain sufferers are always looking for alternate methods of treatment to reduce or relieve their lower back pain. In this quest many have stumbled upon the ancient practice of yoga which has been used for its long term benefit on the health and mobility of the body. Yoga for lower back pain relief is all about holding a set of poses that aims at improving flexibility and promoting strength.   The benefits are that it not only promotes physical exercise but also works on strengthening the muscles, increases blood supply to the targeted group of muscles and also improves flexibility.     It improves concentration level, enables good breathing and makes one aware of their posture and body and this in turn helps to ensure that the body   Read more…


Ideas for back pain relief in pregnant women

July 4th, 2012 Posted in pain relief

  Back Pain is a common problem and some ideas for back pain relief in pregnant women which are simple and effective are listed below:   1/   Always maintain a good posture – as the centre of gravity shifts the body compensates by bending backwards. Walk tall, do not slouch, stand straight and keep the shoulders back and in a relaxed position. Walk slowly and do not tire yourself.   2/   Avoid high heeled shoes, wear comfortable flats that do not constrict the feet and allow you to walk freely.   3/  Use abdominal and waist support bands on the advice of your doctor to avoid pressure or strain on the abdominal and back muscles.       4/  Sleep on the sides and never on the back for long,   Read more…


Lower Back Pain Relief with Strong Hips

July 4th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  It cannot be denied that the hip muscles along with the muscles of the back and abdomen are the core muscles that prevent body aches and back pain when they remain active and strong. The hip muscles help in the stabilization of the pelvis and support the movements of the lower back. Many medical journals state that unstable hip muscles may be the cause of distortions in the back leading to injuries and back pain.   There are over 17 muscles in the hip area that help in the movement of the lower portion of the body, especially the legs and knees in flexing, adducting, extending, abducting, and rotating both internally and externally. The iliotibial band syndrome is an injury to the thigh that is caused by weak hip   Read more…


Back Pain Relief Tips

July 3rd, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Back pain is one of the main causes of absenteeism from work in the US today. Back pain is a complaint that many of us suffer from. We may know somebody, a friend, or a relative suffering from it. It may be caused due to muscle strain, injury, stress, poor posture, lifestyle, and many more reasons.   However, there are some back pain relief tips that can be practiced to avoid back pain. The first thing is to avoid obesity. If your body is overweight, then it puts lots of strain in your body and back. So, exercise regularly to keep your back free of unnecessary strain. The muscles of the body, such as those of the abdomen, provide support to your spine, and they need to be strengthened.   Read more…


Back Pain Relief With Graded Motor Imagery

July 3rd, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  There is research going on in the field of pain that is trying to find out why some people suffer from chronic pain and some do not. The immune system varies from one person to another, and different people react differently to injury. The brain also reacts differently to injury, which varies from person to person. The medical practitioners are constantly researching for new methods of curing chronic pain and back pain. Back pain relief with graded motor imagery is one such treatment that is used to treat many patients.     Back Pain Relief With Graded Motor Imagery   Ken Ng was 12 when he had his left leg amputated below the knee to stop the spread of bone cancer. It was the start of a long journey   Read more…


Massage As A Lower Back Pain Treatment Option

July 2nd, 2012 Posted in Treatment

  According to renowned chiropractors, medical studies and research establishes that a combination of massage and chiropractic treatment may be the best alternative forms of treating back pain. Spinal adjustments made through chiropractic therapy are enhanced by massage, which relieves neck and back pain.   Chiropractic centers offer a number of massage and manipulations including ones that are suitable for expectant mothers or those suffering from multiple injuries. Chiropractors recommend massage as a lower back pain treatment option and the best way to reduce stress, which is also a determining factor for heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, and depression. Recovery of injured tissues is enhanced by massage therapy, and studies have revealed that it reduces the tension within the cells of inflamed muscles. This helps with recovery. Injured tissues receive nutrients   Read more…
