Yoga Positions to Avoid For Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy

April 17th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Yoga Positions to Avoid For Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy

  During pregnancy, yoga is something that can help immensely in getting a woman through this period safely. During pregnancy and during the process of delivery, yoga can be effective. With pregnancy arises various kinds of physical concerns and back pain is one of them. However, there are some yoga positions to avoid for back pain relief during pregnancy.   Some of these positions include backbends that are extreme, inversions, as well as  yoga in hot temperatures and overdoing of yoga, which needs to be avoided. Let us view this recent article that discusses in detail the reasons for not trying these yoga positions during pregnancy as they may cause and increase the back pain that you may already have been experiencing.     Yoga Positions to Avoid For Back   Read more…


Exercise for Lower Back Pain Relief at Home

April 14th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

exercise for lower back pain relief at home

  Are you thinking about losing those extra pounds? Perhaps you are thinking about exercise for lower back pain relief at home? Well, the first step of planning to do something about losing weight or contemplating exercise for a back condition is to choose the best exercise regime that suits you and doing it right. Losing extra pounds and fat off your body is a very noble and essential thought.   You may begin by querying what it was about your lifestyle that caused you to gain those pounds in the first place. There can be many reasons for gaining excess weight, not just overeating. You may have been going through emotional turmoil, suffered an accident that has restricted your mobility, or just feel prone to weight gain. It is   Read more…


Exercise Tips For Lower Back Pain Relief While Sitting At Your Computer

April 13th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Back Pain Relief While Sitting At Your Computer

  For those of you that sit at your computer for hours on end – here are some exercise tips for lower back pain relief while sitting at your computer.   Often we sit for hours working away without even knowing how much time has actually passed – and the dangerous thing is that we may be stuck in the same awkward position for all that time. The most important thing is to have a good ergonomic chair with proper lumbar support. Without that you are already at risk of back injury.   For back pain relief while sitting , be sure to get up every 45 minutes and have a break. Invest a dollar or two in an egg timer to remind you to get up and walk around   Read more…


Core Strengthening Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief

April 13th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

core strengthening exercises for lower back pain relief

  We found this AWESOME video which demonstrates in detail some fantastic core strengthening exercises for lower back pain relief. It is by Rener Gracie, a jiu jitsu expert.   He sustained a very bad L5 S1 herniated disc injury when he was younger and could not train in Jiu Jitsu for 10 months – he had lower back surgery and afterwards he had to strengthen his core and muscles around the spine to get back into his sport. It is a brilliant demonstration of core exercises to get back pain relief and prevent further injury.   This guy is really passionate about back pain relief as he has gone through the experience of a terrible back injury and come out the other end stronger than ever. It is really   Read more…


Exercises For Back Pain Relief Video

April 12th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

exercises for back pain relief video

  Here is an excellent exercises for back pain relief video that shows you some exercises to both stretch and strengthen your lower back. Strengthening your core is the cornerstone of any back pain relief program, and it has been proven to be the best way to alleviate your back pain.   The videos are from Glen Azar from Fighting Fit in Queensland Australia.   The first one shows some very simple yet extremely effective exercises to stretch your lower back. If you try to do these stretches be sure to use the exact techniques that are shown in the video. They are done by fitness professionals and you should see your doctor or physio to get further advice.   Remember to do the exercises consistently over a few weeks.   Read more…


Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy Exercises

April 12th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

back pain relief during pregnancy exercises

  This recent article about back pain relief during pregnancy exercises from India outlines the importance women these days are putting on being fit and healthy during and after pregnancy. With all the pressure on women from the media through celebrities being back to normal 2 weeks after giving birth, more and more women are opting to exercise during pregnancy.   It should be noted that women undertaking these regimens should in no way “do it yourself”. Please ensure that with any exercise routines, especially when pregnant, that you get advice from qualified fitness expert or your local doctor.   Here is the article with some interesting stats about the increases in women exercising during pregnancy.     Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy Exercises   Rita Singha, a city-based physiotherapist   Read more…
