The Best Back Pain Relief
September 8th, 2012 Posted in pain relief
When you are suffering from back pain there are certain things that you can do to make it better. Take bed rest if you need it but try to get up as soon as you feel a little better. When resting, it is always better to lie on your back and not on your stomach with your face downwards. Try not to rest for more than two days. Get up and carry on with your daily activities but be careful and take it slow. If bed rest continues for a long time then the muscles get weaker and this can make the pain worse. If you have had an injury then try to apply an ice pack for the first twenty four hours or so. There is Read more…
Home Remedies For Back Pain
September 7th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
The suffering from back pain is not only reserved for the elderly but occurs in people of all ages, young or old. This is mainly due to the modern lifestyle and the changes in our lifestyle due to many scientific inventions and technology. Advances in science have made our life easier but along with this, science has brought side effects like back ache. We all know that the weight we carry around on our body is borne by our back. That is why people who are overweight tend to get this problem quite easily, as the excess weight of their body causes extra stress on the lower back. There are of course other various reasons for a person to suffer from this ailment. There are Read more…
Back Pain Relief At Home
September 6th, 2012 Posted in Prevention
Back pain is a very common ailment that people suffer from all over the world. Many sufferers would be relieved to find out that unless the pain persists for more than a few weeks most of the pain will go away on its own without needing any treatment. People can often relieve their back pain by themselves at home with basic methods, and the pain will disappear without them seeking medical help. This self-care guide offers ideas for back pain relief at home. There is a false belief which suggests that if you move when you have back pain, it will make the pain worse. Some people even think that if you stay lying down whenever the pain occurs, it helps. Nowadays, these beliefs Read more…
Back Pain Relief And Lyme Disease
September 6th, 2012 Posted in Pain in the back
Back pain may attack in the severest possible way to make the disease fatal. The experience of an 18 year old suffering from Lyme disease has narrated about the acute pain and trauma of this disease. It all starts with pain in the hip and knees resulting in inability to walk. The pain does not subside, and there are flu-like symptoms, which results in the weakness of the body. Medication for back pain relief and Lyme disease to relieve the pain does not have any effect. With the pain gradually increasing, it continues to get worse to the point of immobility. In due course, a tingling sensation is felt in the arm and hands that makes the situation worse. Chiropractic treatment, ultrasound, and electrode therapy has little effect Read more…
Yoga For Back Pain Relief
September 5th, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Many people benefit from yoga when attempting to relieve their back pain. Yoga is now a very popular natural remedy in treating ailments, including pain in your back. When you perform yoga regularly for a long period of time, it actually increases the flexibility in your body and makes you stronger physically than before. It tightens the weak muscles and loosens the stiff muscles that are often the result of the pain your back. There are yoga poses specifically meant for back support. However, it is extremely important that you consult your doctor before starting any exercise for back pain. The basic yoga poses for beginners are described below. Firstly, lie down on your back, bend your knees, keep your feet on the ground and your hands Read more…
Lower Back Pain Relief At Home
September 5th, 2012 Posted in Lower back relief
You may have suddenly lifted a weight that was too heavy for you. You may have played golf and swung your club a little too enthusiastically. Or you might be working too hard to meet a deadline for a stretch of two to three days. Then you find out that you are in agony with so much pain as a result. There are millions of people out there who are suffering like you at this time or will suffer it at some point in time in the future. For pain that is not too bad, a doctor will only prescribe you with medicine that will relieve your pain and ask you to rest as much as you can. It is a different matter with pain that starts from Read more…
Natural Back Pain Relief
September 4th, 2012 Posted in Natural relief
The second most common ailment in the USA which is related to neurology is back pain and it is one of the most common ailments in the world. The traditional treatment of such a disease used to be bed rest. Long-term medicines and surgery were also used in order to treat it. However, in recent times, there are many natural back pain relief methods that have been developed, which are now practiced to get some comfort from the pain. Medicines prescribed by doctors often have side effects which can be unhealthy for your body. These natural remedies are very effective in understanding the root cause of the disease unlike other chemical medicines that only give relief temporarily. Moreover natural remedies tend not to have any side effects. Read more…
Actipatch Therapy Provides Back Pain Relief
September 3rd, 2012 Posted in Treatment
If you are suffering from back pain and looking for relief that does not involve using medicinal drugs for pain relief, then you may want to try actipatch therapy. In certain cases, actipatch therapy provides back pain relief. Unlike a heating pad, actipatch therapy uses electromagnetic forces to reduce the pain. It is safe for patients to use, and it should provide a continuous effect of pain relief. Pulses of energy are sent to the injury, which reduces the pain and inflammation of the back muscles. As it is not a drug, patients suffering from back pain will not have side effects associated with taking painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, many back pain sufferers say that the effect of this therapy is many times greater than that achieved Read more…
Stretches For Lower Back Pain Relief
September 2nd, 2012 Posted in Exercises
There are millions of people out there who plan for their retirement so that they can enjoy this period. Sadly, more than ninety percent of the retirement population suffer from pain in the back and hips. Some are so unwell that they cannot even carry on with their daily life and stay healthy but this also happens to people of all ages, whether young or old. As people plan for their future monetarily, they should also prepare for their future physical health by exercising and performing stretches for lower back pain relief. There are various stretches to keep your back fit and healthy. Some of them are easily done at home and they do not need any exercise equipment from the gymnasium. These stretches help the Read more…
Exercise For Back Pain Relief
September 1st, 2012 Posted in Exercises
Whenever you suffer from back pain, the immediate way to get some relief is to lie down straight on your back. The surface should be plain and hard, like a wood floor. Keep a pillow just under the knees. You should also keep your hips bent at ninety degrees and your knees bent and rested on a chair while you are lying down on your back. This exercise takes away the pressure on your back immediately. Exercise is the only natural way to recover from your pain. It also helps you to prevent pain in the future. However, before starting an exercise routine, it is very important that you consult your doctor. Exercise for back pain relief should also be performed at a slow pace to avoid Read more…