Exercises For Back Pain Reduction During Pregnancy

July 20th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Pregnancy and back pain go hand in hand for most women, approximately 80 percent of them experience back pain ranging from mild to severe and in some rare cases even debilitating pain. In severe cases one has to see a doctor to rule out complications with pregnancy and labor. For the others, the reason could be as simple as hormonal changes that take place which result in loosening of the joints and this weakens the spinal structure. The weight gain during pregnancy also compounds the effect of strain on the back. The change in the centre of gravity with the growth of the baby in the womb also makes back pain severe. The problems pregnancy can cause to the human body makes exercises for back pain reduction during pregnancy   Read more…


The Best Back Pain Relief Exercises And Stretches

July 11th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Before beginning an exercise regime for strengthening and finding relief for back pain one must consult a spine specialist to check for abnormalities. On the doctor’s approval you should start doing moderate levels of exercise and stop if and when in pain, it is also helpful to hire a trainer who is well versed in working with people having problems like muscular imbalances and back aches.   The exercises have to work on three levels promoting cardiovascular benefits, muscle strengthening and stretching to aid and build flexibility for a free range of motion.   Cardio vascular exercise: It is good to walk, swim or bike ride at a moderate speed for about 20-30 minutes, for 3-5 times a week. Alternating this with a good strength training regime is also   Read more…


Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles For Back Pain Relief

July 10th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  The pelvic floor muscle in a woman’s body is a crucial muscle as the pelvis is stabilized by this muscle. The bladder and uterus are supported by these muscles so that it is an important muscle in childbirth. When we talk about strengthening these muscles, we talk about a muscle group that is comprised of pelvic floor muscles and abdominal and back muscles, too.That is why health professionals often try and get women to strengthen pelvic floor muscles for back pain relief. This can help with relief from other health problems as well.   Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles For Back Pain Relief   TELL me what makes a man, crooned Westlife. But Bioinfinity asked, “What makes a woman?” And the answer, they say, lies within the pelvic floor muscles.   Read more…


Stretches to Help with Lower Back Pain Relief

July 9th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  If you are interested in learning about stretches to help with lower back pain relief, then you must have experienced lower back pain at some point in time. Although, lower back pain is not as serious as it appears it can be quite a nuisance when going on with your daily activities in life. Simple things like applying ice packs can reduce pain and then, when you begin to feel normal, you must begin with some kind of moderate exercise when your doctor informs you that your pain is a result of inactivity and stiffness.   Stretches help relax the muscles and promote flexibility in the lower back. The following stretches would help:   Standing Hip Flexors: stand up straight lift one leg backwards with the toe pointing toward   Read more…


Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief

July 5th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Back pain sufferers are always looking for alternate methods of treatment to reduce or relieve their lower back pain. In this quest many have stumbled upon the ancient practice of yoga which has been used for its long term benefit on the health and mobility of the body. Yoga for lower back pain relief is all about holding a set of poses that aims at improving flexibility and promoting strength.   The benefits are that it not only promotes physical exercise but also works on strengthening the muscles, increases blood supply to the targeted group of muscles and also improves flexibility.     It improves concentration level, enables good breathing and makes one aware of their posture and body and this in turn helps to ensure that the body   Read more…


Lower Back Pain Relief with Strong Hips

July 4th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  It cannot be denied that the hip muscles along with the muscles of the back and abdomen are the core muscles that prevent body aches and back pain when they remain active and strong. The hip muscles help in the stabilization of the pelvis and support the movements of the lower back. Many medical journals state that unstable hip muscles may be the cause of distortions in the back leading to injuries and back pain.   There are over 17 muscles in the hip area that help in the movement of the lower portion of the body, especially the legs and knees in flexing, adducting, extending, abducting, and rotating both internally and externally. The iliotibial band syndrome is an injury to the thigh that is caused by weak hip   Read more…


Back Pain Relief Tips

July 3rd, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  Back pain is one of the main causes of absenteeism from work in the US today. Back pain is a complaint that many of us suffer from. We may know somebody, a friend, or a relative suffering from it. It may be caused due to muscle strain, injury, stress, poor posture, lifestyle, and many more reasons.   However, there are some back pain relief tips that can be practiced to avoid back pain. The first thing is to avoid obesity. If your body is overweight, then it puts lots of strain in your body and back. So, exercise regularly to keep your back free of unnecessary strain. The muscles of the body, such as those of the abdomen, provide support to your spine, and they need to be strengthened.   Read more…


Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief

June 29th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

  You may not be suffering from back pain right now; although, you probably know someone who does. He or she may be a member of your family, amongst your circle of friends, or perhaps he or she is a work colleague. After a cold and flu, it is back pain that causes most of the absences from work. The main causes of back pain are mostly due to modern lifestyles and jobs that are physically demanding.   However, there are ways that can help you prevent back pain. Consider arranging your work station in such a way that everything is within your reach; taking small breaks in between work so that you can stretch your body, etc. You can also exercise for lower back pain relief as an appropriate   Read more…


Back Pain Relief Exercises To Strengthen Your Core

June 27th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

core strength

  Are you looking for core strengthening exercises for back pain relief? It is one of the best ways to fix your back problems – however it requires discipline and persistence – and the right technique is the most important thing to consider.   Here are some excellent back pain relief exercises to strengthen your core.   And below are some great video demonstrations of back pain exercises that you can use to help with core strength.     Back Pain Relief Exercises To Strengthen Your Core STRENGTHENING EXERCISES   Developing core strength helps stabilize the spine, allows proper spinal movement and makes it easier to maintain correct posture. Strong hip and leg muscles are important to perform proper lifting techniques and body mechanics.   Crunches: Lie on the floor   Read more…


Back Pain Relief With Strong Abdominals

June 18th, 2012 Posted in Exercises

Back Pain Relief With Strong Abdominals

  Although weak spinal cord muscles may be one of the factors leading to back pain, the role of abdominal muscles plays an important role in back pain. The interaction between the abdominal and erector spine muscle groups helps strengthen the relatively weaker extensor muscles of the spinal cord. Strengthening the abdominal muscles help provide back pain relief with strong abdominals as the spinal cord muscles to bear the extra weight of supporting the internal organs of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles also bear some of the body weight.   Some of the measures that put less strain on the spinal muscles are stretching exercises, yoga, and undergoing fitness training programs. Even the shoes you wear should not be flat-soled so as to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord.   Read more…
